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Asesorias de Ingls Colegio Juan Bosco

*Physical Description
*Food and Drink
*Feelings and Emotions
*Simple Present // Present Progressive
*Be: Simple Plan
*Simple Past
*Present Progressive for future
*Some with Countable and Uncountable Nouns
*A lot of// much // many / /a Little // a few
*Asking for a giving directions
*Compounds: Some// Any// No
*Compounds: Every

Physical Description
The language for physical descriptions in English is quite specific depending on the
physical characteristic you are describing.
When giving physical descriptions, the two most common verbs to use are BE and HAVE,
however, they are quite specific.
We use BE for: height, weight, skin colour.
We use HAVE for: hair (length), hair (style), hair (colour) and facial features.


Chris is medium height.

Tanya has blonde hair.

Albert is overweight.

Donna has curly hair and is tanned.

Patrick has a long beard and he also has a black eye right now.

Tony is tall and has medium length hair.

If you want to combine hair characteristics together in the same sentence, then the structure is:
Length + Style + Colour + Hair

Michael has short curly black hair.

Mary has long wavy brown hair.

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