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William Walker Jr

UWRT 1103-038
L. Raymond
30 August 2015
Writing Prompt 1
For me, Reading and writing began very early. When I was in Kindergarten,
the elementary school told me and my parents that I was reading at a 6 th grade
reading level. I was also writing in full sentences and in cursive by the time I
entered 1st grade, I had always enjoyed reading and writing as a child.
My father read to me when I was an infant. My favorite books that he read to
me were the creations of Dr. Seuss. He read Oh the Places Youll Go so often to me
that we both knew the book word for word. Books also impacted my life when I was
young. They significantly expanded my imagination. These books included the Harry
Potter Series and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. These series introduced me
to new things that helped to build the literary library that resides within my brain.
The Harry Potter series introduced me to a world that I spent a large portion of my
childhood dreaming about. Percy Jackson and the Olympians introduced me to a
culture which I quickly became a fan of. Percy Jackson and the Olympians led me to
spend 3 years studying Greek mythology.
I had an interesting experience that helped to boost my interest in literature
and reading. When I was in 6th grade, we [my 6th grade English class] had to give
presentations on books that we read. Most of the students read very easily read

and comprehendible books. I decided to read Macbeth. My classmates were

astonished that I would pick such a book to use for a middle school reading project.
My having a sibling did bear an effect on my literacy. When my younger sister
was born, my ability to read took a slight stutter. As we grew older, I had to
constantly prove that I was better than her (which I am). I had already proved that I
was better in math and science, so I had a subconscious need to better my reading
and writing in order to stay ahead of her. So far I have maintained my literary
prowess over my sister. She is in basic English classes and struggling while I
breezed through my English courses.
There were various events in my life that affected my literary abilities. From
reading novels that were years ahead in difficulty to my father reading me books by
the late, great Dr. Seuss, my history of reading and writing has drastically affected
my life positively and helped to build the person that I am today.

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