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1. Watch the Mary Poppins trailer and write down
what the mood is.
2. Now watch the second version. How does
the mood and tone change? What made it
3. Now lets look at some reversal poems.
Left Side
*Who is the speaker?
*What is their attitude towards the topic?
*What is the atmosphere (emotion) of the
poem? sneaky, angry, jealous, hopeful, etc.
Right Side
*Who is the speaker?
*What is their attitude towards the topic?
*What is the atmosphere (emotion) of the
poem? sneaky, angry, jealous, hopeful, etc.
In the Hood
Cinderellas Double Life
Mirror Mirror

4. Read On Girls Lending Pens
5. Listen to reading

6. Analyze and annotate (on the poem) for the

a. Summarize each stanza
b. Who is the author?
c. Who is the speaker?
d. What is the point of view?
e. What is the main idea and how do you
Give evidence
f. How does the speakers attitude change
from the beginning of the piece to the
g. What is the tone? emotion you take
from the poem
h. Circle any figurative language, special
punctuation, or rhyme
i. What is the theme of the poem?
(lesson or message) Give evidence
****You may use advice for a poems theme. You
still can not be too specific nor use absolutes.

Extra Credit - bring in a visual

representation of the poem. What one
picture could illustrate it? You may
draw a picture or print/cut one out.
This is a homework grade and is due on Monday. 30 points.

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