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Engagement Plan

Goal 1: Maintain at least a 3.2 GPA throughout Sophomore Year

Action Plan:
1. Utilize my professors office hours and library hours.
2. Seek help from tutors and classmates.
3. Stay in contact with my professors, advisor, and CNU scholar for constant updates on my
Campus Resources:
1. Library
2. Faculty and Advisor
3. Center for Academic Success
Goal 2: Join a sorority to get more involved in the community and in service.
Action Plan:
1. Go to the Panhellenic Preview, meet each sorority, and learn about their philanthropy and
2. Meet with current members of sororities to ask more questions and stay informed.
3. Sign up to rush!
Campus Resources:
1. Sorority sisters and friends
2. CNU sisterhood alumni
3. Sorority sponsors and advisor
Goal 3: Expand my knowledge and understanding of culture and leadership as I approach my
junior year.
Action Plan:
1. Go on the Cross-cultural Leadership Study Abroad trip to the Netherlands.
2. Learn more about diversity and foreign culture while traveling Europe.
3. Use what I learn abroad to make connections with culture and my personal character
going forward.
Campus Resources:
1. PLP Faculty
2. Study Abroad Professor
3. Europe and other study abroad students

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