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The closest I came to making a major structural change to my WP1 was breaking up a

large paragraph into two smaller paragraphs. That being said, the reverse outline showed me that
I was able to do that without messing up the way my paragraphs connected to my argument. The
reverse outline also helped me re-see my WP1. For example, when doing the reverse outline, I
saw that in paragraph 5 I was grasping at straws a bit in order to answer a part of the prompt
while still connecting back to my argument. I think that it was a bit harder for me to make that
paragraph support my argument than it was for the other paragraphs but I was able to pull it off. I
can see the value in reverse outlines from that though because maybe in another scenario I
wouldnt have been able to pull it off; the reverse outline could have made that clear so I could
fix it.

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