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This is the one impression that the subject EFFCOM (introduction to effective
communication) has imprinted onto me. In complete honesty, my expectation
towards this subject was one of uncertainty. Some may question my grave and
unfeeling attitude directed towards this subject but given some thought, I am
sure that all of us have roughly the same answer. That is to say, being a fully
online course, it requires not only responsibility, but dutiful discipline, steely
determination and constant concentration among others to keep oneself in
check. A morbid road is painted before us, but one cannot hope to progress
without taking a simple modest step. That step for me was to ponder to
understand the true meaning and reason of undertaking this module. A vague
image of success was painted at the end of the road, a road which journeyed on
would lead us to inherit confidence and flair in speaking, coherence and clarity in
communication, people skills and most importantly, how to display and showcase
these arsenals of skills to give us an edge in whatever we do. It is these thoughts
that act as a candle, lighting up the forbidding road to success making it more
mellow and inviting. Upon embarking on this journey of self-improvement and
enlightenment, let us remember the humble words of Confucius, I hear and I
forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Yours Sincerely,
Luis Lo

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