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It is derived from the classical method of teaching Greek and
Latin which prevailed in Europe for many centuries. The
learning of these dead languages was justified as an
intellectual discipline, the training of the mind. (to promote
intellectuality through mental gymnastics.)
To be able to read and translate literary masterpieces and
Classes were conducted in the native language
It required students to translate whole texts word for
word and memorize numerous grammatical rules and
exceptions as well as enormous vocabulary lists of
isolated words
Grammar was taught deductively ( through the study of
the grammar rules)
Grammar points would come directly from the texts and
be presented contextually in the textbook (long,
elaborated explanations)
Little attention was paid to the content of texts, which
are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis
Very little attention was placed on pronunciation
it didnt develop any communicative ability
Stress on knowing rules and exceptions
the students role is a passive one
Translation is the easiest way of explaining meaning
Teachers labor is saved

Unnatural method
Speech is neglected. Emphasis on reading and writing.
Students fail to express themselves adequately in spoken
Exact translation is not always possible

hello laura. Yes, thats why this method was used to teach english,
which is not a dead language. So as to be accepted, English should
be taught in the same way (as latin and greek) and for the same
reason. That is to say, it should help the individual to train
and develop their minds to think logically and be able to
have access to great literature works. Regards. Eugenia
The classes are conducted in the
native language
Grammar is taught deductively and
Translation is essential
The teachers role is saved
Unnatural method
Little attention to pronunciation
Activities of the textbook

The classes are conducted in the
target language
Grammar is taught inductively and
is learned largely through practice
Translation is avoided
The teachers role is an active one
Natural method
Correct pronunciation is needed
Miming, sketches, etc

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