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 GTM is an old fashioned method which was

originally used to teach dead languages
which explains why it focuses mainly on the
written form at the expense of the oral form.
It is a grammar translation through analyzing
the language rules.
a. Characteristics
 The unit of teaching is word, not a sentence.

 Grammatical rules of teaching of English are

explained into mother tongue.
 English grammar is taught through rules,
translation, definition and comparative study of
mother tongue grammar.
 Grammar is taught deductively.
 The main function of language learning,
communication is ignored.
 Reading and writing are the major focus.
 Mistake is avoided.
b. Principles
 Teacher is the author in the classroom.
 It considers grammar as a soul of language.
 Literary language is superior to the spoken
 To be able to communicate with target
language’s speakers is not among the goals.
 Its focus is on accuracy and not fluency.
 Learners don’t have difficulties to
understand the lesson as it is carried out in
the mother tongue.
 Translation is the easiest and shortest way of
explaining meaning of words and phrases.
 It is a labor-saving method as the teacher
carries out everything in the mother tongue.
 Students try to speak accurately.
 This method gives pupils the wrong idea of what
language is and of the relationship between languages.
 Worst effect of this method is on students’ motivation.
 Speaking or any kind of spontaneous creative output
was missing from the curriculum.
 The grammar-translation method is the easiest for a
teacher to employ.
 Students lacked an active role in the classroom.
 Very little attention is paid to communication.
 Very little attention is paid to content.
 It seemed there was no need for students to master the
four skills of English (listening, speaking, reading, and
 The students who are learning using this method
will be able to read and write in the target
language, but the spoken language is not a
priority. The strength points of GTM are students
will be able to master the appropriate structures
of a language and mistakes made by them in
applying speaking ability will not be that much.
The weakness points of GTM tend to be boring
to the students in their learning activity. For
students who early get bored, they will not be
able to master grammar well. The deductive,
lexical, and structural approaches support this

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