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Chem 20 expectations

1. Respect (yourself, others, staff)

2. Preparedness (both you and I)
3. Willingness to Learn (you can always take something away)
**Cell phones:
- no phones out in class, unless directed to use it by me
o if I see it out while I am teaching, I will ask you to put it
away if it is a recurring issue, you will be meeting with
me and your parents will be informed
o come P/T interviews, phone use in class will be addressed
- cannot have cell phones on you for tests
- if you need to make a call, snap, or text, please do it outside of
- if you need help with homework or feedback for a lab, come see
me in tutorials, or after class if I am available
- generally will not check homework
- I will occasionally check homework for completion (formative
mark), but I will let you know when I will be doing it
- if you are ESL and are permitted to take extra time on
quizzes/tests, then you may, provided you come during tutorial
for classes period 1, or stay into lunch during period 2.
- Quizzes will generally be handed back the following day; I will lay
them out on the lab bench in alphabetical order at the beginning
of class
- Tests will be handed back directly
Missed Classes:
- please give me notice of extended absences (per the outline),
and ensure that a parent/guardian calls in if you are not able to
make it to class
- class handouts can be found in the while you were away folder,
and other content will be uploaded to D2L (check it daily)
Seating plan:
- I will let you select your seats, but it is a privilege. At any time, I
can decide to create a seating plan

For labs, I will be choosing your partners

- labs will be completed in small coiled lab booklet (every
student needs one)
- for some labs, I may ask you to submit work via Dropbox on D2L
Handing in work:
- I will generally collect work in a bin at the beginning of class
- Late assignments/labs will be subject to 20% deduction per day
- rewrites will be done either during tutorial time or over lunch
- ???
**Food and drink:
- NONE. Ever. Except for bottled water
- If you bring some in (prob pd. 1), I will ask you to either pour it
out or store it in your locker

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