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Six-Point Lesson Plan


Tori Bass

Places Around the Room

-Posters and objects around the room

Focus and

You will remember from yesterday we learned about count and sorting different objects around the
room. Today we will do something very similar to what we did yesterday. Today we are going to
look and see where different things are in the classroom.


The student will be able to identify the relative positions of objects around the classroom.

(NCSCS reference)

K.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of
these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

I will demonstrate where different items are in the classroom.

I will show the students the different positions an objects can be located such as above, below,
beside, in front of, behind and next to.
I will walk around the room to show the students where objects are located in reference to other


The students will walk around the room with a small group and identify objects that I have made a
list of for them. The students will work together to complete this list.


The students will have a worksheet that will have an activity similar to the one they had to
complete in the guided practice. I will walk around and assist the students, as they need help. The
students are encouraged to ask their peers before they ask the teacher.


Today we learned about where objects are around the room based on other objects. You were able
to tell me where each object was.

Six-Point Lesson Plan

Tori Bass

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