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Mission to India
Rivermont is gearing up to conduct a Vacation Bible School in Ooty, India
in May of next year for the children that Murli and Usha Menon minister to in
various regions of India. There are a few openings still available on this team.
Due to the focus of this particular trip, and its location, we ask that applicants
have previous experience working with children in a VBS or Sunday School
setting OR previous experience in short-term mission travel to a third world
country. The trip is scheduled for May 16-28, 2007 and the estimated cost is
$2,600. If you are interested in joining us on this trip, please contact David Plude
at 239-1684, Chris Deneen at 846-3441, or Vic Uotinen at 846-3441 - by no
later than January 15, 2007.

Christmas for an Orphan

Even if you’re unable to travel to India with our mission team, there is still an opportunity
for you show Christ’s love to the children in Ooty. Just as the first Christmas Angels
brought tidings of great joy to the barren Judean hillside more than 2,000 years ago,
you can bring joy to the heart of a destitute and suffering child. Rivermont is teaming with
World Help’s Christmas for an Orphan program to provide a way for you to say, “Jesus
loves you and so do I ... and I would like to pray for you, and give you this small gift.” It is a
simple gesture that means more to these children than you can possibly imagine.
Rivermont families have the opportunity to pack Christmas for an Orphan boxes
that will be hand delivered by our Mission Team to the children that we will be ministering
to in Ooty. In addition, this year’s Rivermont Christmas Missions Project offerings will be
used to purchase sandals and other clothing items for these children. Please pick up a box
in Cheatham Reception Center and return it by Christmas.

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