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Oceanic Airlines Employees

Oceanic Airlines Board of Directors
Security Policy Improvements

In a recent review of past security performance it has come to our

attention that our security policies are in need of revision, in order to
improve the safety and satisfaction of both our passengers and
employees. Listed below is a set of policy changes that will be
implemented in the following quarter of this business year.
Security Policy Changes
All employees will be required to attend a new security
policy briefing.
New screening protocols will be put in place for all
individuals on each flight.
A comprehensive inspection plan will be put into place for
each department.
GPS systems in all planes will be updated.
Security officers will be added to all flights.
In Closing
We have full confidence that all employees will be able to seamlessly
integrate these policy changes into their work routine. We thank you
for your time and consideration, as well as your cooperation in
implementing these new policies.
For questions, please contact your immediate supervisor or call our HR
department at (555) 555-5555.

Cameron Johannesen
Cameron Tate
Kelsey Whisler
Chris Campbell

Tyler Melton

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