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Chapter Two: Reading & Composing Processes

Advice for Improving Your Reading Processes

Think about subject and genre youre reading and what questions youll have
Read multiple times for understanding
Annotate text as you read (interact with the text)
Think critically about assumptions, arguments, and evidence author presents
Assumptions does composer make in their argument
Intended audience
More than one perspective?
Social/cultural/political aspects author considers or not
Language or imagery
Evidence (written, visual, oral) to support argument
Use of reliable evidence
Your position on the issue, similar/different from composers position
Reading for Multiple Purposes
Purpose for reading shapes process
Reading in Multiple Mediums
Medium of a text; the kind of tool that is used to deliver, shapes the reading process
Reading in Multiple Genres
Genres are a form of social action
Abstract (scientific)
Reading process is shaped by ethnicity, gender, personal beliefs, economic background,
age, prior experiences with the kind of text theyre reading
Social and Cultural Context
Authors race, gender, economic class
Historical period of text
History of genre and medium of context
Ways people respond to the text
Composing Processes in Multiple Literacies
Revising; changing composition
Freewriting to generate ideas
Change focus, add evidence, change voice and style
Edit word choice, typos, etc
Composing shaped by literally situation

Composing for Multiple Purposes

Purposes is shaped by given instructions
Composing in Multiple Mediums
Tool of communication
Composing in Multiple Genres
Genre affects process, finding a topic to drafting, revising, document design, and editing
Composing in Multiple Contexts
Process Context

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