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Name: _____________________________

Period: __________
Date: ___________

The Diary of Anne Frank

Anticipation Guide
Directions: Read each of the statements below. State whether you agree or disagree with each
statement. There are NO right or wrong answers! Simply mark what YOU believe!! Be

sure you can explain your reasoning for each answer.

A = Agree
D = Disagree
1. ______ Its okay to tease people because of the way they look, the clothes they
wear, etc.

2. ______ Calling people names isnt dangerous because no one gets hurt physically.

3. ______ People belonging to different religions shouldnt associate with one another.

4. ______ Human nature is essentially good.

5. ______ When a person is aware of an unjust act, it is their duty to intervene.

6. ______ Witnessing a misdeed and not doing anything about it is okay, because you
werent directly involved with the crime.

7. ______ It is a persons duty to support their country and its leaders regardless of
personal opinion.

8. ______ War is okay when its purpose is to get rid of those who are worsening the

9. _____ Something like the Holocaust couldnt happen in our world today, because we
are much too civilized to allow something that horrible to happen.

10. ______ The United States shouldnt interfere with other countries and their

problems; the US should simply worry about its own issues.

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