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Grade 4


Activity: PhysEd -

Goals/Key questions
Goals: Students will cooperatively participate in parachute games.
Objective (connected to PofS): C 45 participate cooperatively in group
activities (SLO). Students will
interact positively with others (GLO).

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and prelearning required:
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed
(seating arrangement):
2 parachutes
Bean bags

What is the teacher doing?
Ask students to review the rules of
the parachute.

3 minutes

Divide students into two groups to

work with two parachutes. Ask
students who were born in the
month of January June to work at
one parachute. Have students
born July December work at the
other parachute. Ensure the
parachutes are as equal as
possible. Move students as
needed. Once they have moved
into their groups, start passing out

What are the students

Sitting on the outside of the
circle in the middle of the gym.

Activity 1
Time est: 5

the parachute and have students

hold their parts until everyone is
equally spread out. Then have
students sit and wait for the next
Warm Up Making Waves: The
teacher will demonstrate making
ripples with the parachute (small,
gentle movements), making waves
(larger arm movements, still
gentle), and hurricane (large arm
movements, faster). After the
demonstration, students will make
waves with the parachute
according to the command that is
called (ripple, wave, hurricane,
freeze). It is important for students
to remain quiet during the activity
so they can hear the commands of
the teacher.

Activity 2

Time Est: 5

Activity 3

Time Est: 7

Game - Popcorn:
The teacher will place beanbags
on the parachute while it is lying
flat on the floor. The teacher will
explain to students that they are
to work together making waves to
try and pop the popcorn off the
parachute and onto the floor. To
add an element of competition,
have students compete to see who
can get their popcorn off the
fastest and have the best
Number Off:
Number students off 1 8 around
the parachute. Have students pick
up their section of the parachute
and walk clockwise in a circle. Call
out a number, and have students
who are that number let go of the
parachute and run up to the next

Activity 4

Time Est: 8

Time Est: 2

available spot. Continue through

the numbers. Change directions.
Mushroom: Have students inflate
the parachute, then quickly pull
the edge to the floor to seal
escaping air.
Once students have accomplished
mushroom move into igloo.
Igloo: Have students inflate the
parachute, take 3 steps towards
the centre, then pull down the
edge of the parachute with them
inside of it. Have students
continue to hold the edges. Call
out to students to swap places
with other students based on
certain criteria (ex. If you are
wearing pink, if your favourite
season is winter etc.)
Clean Up: Fold up parachute and
put away. Pick 6 students from
each group to fold up the
parachute and help put away. Ask
the other students to line up at the

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