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Name: Tiffany Jaworski

Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 3-5
Theme: Fiesta
Title of Activity: Homemade maracas
Curricular Area: Art
Date to Use Activity: TBA
Developmental Goals
Cognitive: Learning what
kind of music can come from
something they make.
Fine/Gross motors: The
children will use the muscles
in their hands to make the
Emotional: They will share
the different materials with
their other classmates.

Learning Objectives
Given the different materials
the child will create the

Materials Required
plastic spoons
plastic eggs
beans and beads

"Lets make some maracas and make music with them!"

1:Have the kids put beads or beans in the plastic eggs and shut them.
2:Take two spoons and place the egg in them.
3:Tape the top of the spoon, the middle, and the bottom.
4:Let the children enjoy the maraca and make music!!!

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