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Horse Heart Riding Lessons

By agreeing to participate in the riding lessons the undersigned hereby acknowledges the
1. The student, parent and guardian of said student on their own and on their students behalf,
signify by signing this document that they understand that horses can be dangerous and
inherently risky, and carry the risk of causing injury, up to and including death. Nevertheless,
with full
understanding of the possibility and even the likelihood of injury or damage, the undersigned
agrees to assume such risk and waive any and all claims for any injury or damage or any
liability arising out of the student or parent or guardians or their guests participation in the
program or programs offered by Candy Wall, Horse Heart Riding lessons or any other
activity tranning locations. Further, the undersigned agrees to voluntarily
release Candy Wall, Horse Heart Riding lessons, and any of her or its employees, instructors,
agents or assigns from any liability arising out of the students participation on said
properties, and further agrees to indemnify Candy Wall, Horse Heart Riding lessons, from
any costs or damages brought that arise out of the students participation in or entrance onto,
any of the properties where lessons are given. By signing this document, the student, their
parents and
guardians, signify that they have read this document fully, and understand its contents, and
agree to undertake its provisions as part of the consideration of participation in or entrance
onto, the properties where lessons are given and programs. This includes the inherent risk of
horses and horse activities, and further includes the inherent risk that Candy Wall and/or her
employees, instructors, and assigns, may be ordinarily negligent in the provision of services.
Under Florida Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death
of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risk of equine activities,

Student name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
______________________________ Date ___________
______________________________ Date ___________
Signature of Parent or Guardian

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