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Wynne Erickson

255 M-55
Tawas City, Mi. 48763

Tawas Area High School

January 15, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:

January 15, 2016

Page 2
RE: Tyler Hurst
I have had the privilege of having Tyler Hurst in my drawing and painting class. Initially, Tyler
doubted whether he should be in art and shared with me that he didnt feel as skilled as others in the
class. I suggested he give it a try and told him drawing is a skill that can be learned. Most students
listen to me, but do not apply what I share. Tyler has been the exception. He fully listened and would
gladly rework every piece he made until it met the requirements. He never complained. He has
grown to appreciate his art abilities and has gained an appreciation for the amount of effort it can
Giving effort for Tyler is also apparent in his dedication to sports. He plays hockey which can mean
up to five games a weekend and long trips away from home. Despite this, he has never shown his
tiredness during class. He has never complained about being tired and I know he has a very fully
schedule. The fact that he approaches everything with willingness tells me he has found a way to
balance his schedule which can be difficult for high school students. Balancing the busyness of life
and having a Im ready mentality are things that cannot be taught. The student has to find a way to
get there themselves. Tyler has done that.
Tyler is a congenial person and gives his best in everything he does. I have found him to be a
positive, thoughtful, and considerate individual. In the classroom, his willingness to work and learn
has been refreshing and enjoyable.
It has been a joy to know Mr. Hurst. I believe that he will succeed in all that he does and I am
pleased to recommend him to you.


Wynne Erickson
English Teacher

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