Hector Beverages - Aditya Kagliwal

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Hector Beverages

Profile Offered
Work Experience

Aditya Kagliwal
17 months- Accenture

Pre Process
Application form
If Yes, questions
Psychometric test
Written Test (Y/N)
Written test
Interview Rounds

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Process (GD + PI)

GD Topics

(To be mentioned in bullet points)


Profile Sector
Specific questions

Interview questions revolved around Tzinga

What do you like about Tzinga

How much Tzinga do you sell

Anything you will like to change about it

HR Based

What are your future plans five year down the line
Family background, what does your father do?
How many hours would you work
What is your definition of a workaholic

1 round

How did you prepare for the Interview Process? How much according to you was relevant?
Did not prepare anything in particular for the interview process. As a Prayas member, I had practical
knowledge about procurement and sales which helped. The interview for Hector Beverages was
different from all other interviews as it was informal and very to-the-point. There werent any HR
questions or any current affairs questions or questions on any concepts from marketing. The interview
was more of a profiling exercise to see if I will fit into a sales role, if I was candid and confident
throughout the interview. The co founder, Neeraj Kakkar, is a workaholic and was looking for someone
who was willing and able to work for long hours and I was able to convince him on that front.
Why do you think, you were selected?

Was myself, calm and relaxed during the interview.

Did not try to make up superficial stuff at any point of time. Was honest about my opinion when
asked about their product-Tzinga

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