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My Family and Other Animals

Written by Gerald Durrell.

1. Why does Larry want to move to

Because he thinks his

family needs sunshine and
more space.
2. What animals does Gerry find in
the garden?

Insects: spiders, bees,

butterflies, ants and
3. What does Gerry do every day after breakfast?

He goes for a walk with

Roger to explore the
4. What does Mrs Durrell think Gerry

A teacher.
5. Why does Larry want to move to a bigger villa?

Because he has invited

all his friends and they
will need more space.
6. Why does Gerry decide to take the scorpions to
his room?

To avoid having another

accident like when the
scorpions fell all over
the table.
7. Why does Gerry’s mother send him to the Belgian

Because she thinks he

needs more discipline
after the scorpions
8. What does the consul do while Gerry is reading
the dictionary?

He shoots cats because he

can’t feed them all and
doesn’t want the cats to
9. What does Peter do while Gerry writes the book?

Peter walks around the

garden with Margo and
discusses flowers.
10. Describe the present that Gerry receives from

A boat which Gerry

names Bottle.
11. What is Gerry’s favourite birthday present?

Two puppies that a

peasant family
gives him.
12. What happens to Larry when he goes
shooting with Leslie one day?

He falls backwards
into a puddle.
13. Why do they move to a smaller villa?

So Aunt Hermione
doesn’t go to stay
with them.
14. What insects does Gerry have the
opportunity to observe in the new villa?

Green praying
mantises and geckos
(transparent lizards).
15. What does Gerry learn with his new
tutor, Mr Kralefsky?

He learns about birds

and about history,
geography and French.
16. What do the magpies do to Larry’s

They leave papers,

paper clips and ink
footprints all over the
17. Where does the prisoner want to
take Gerry the following day?

To catch fish for

18. Why does Larry describe the villa as a
dangerous house when talking to the

Because he says the

house is full with
dangerous animals.
19. How do the guests get wet?

Spiro throws a
bucket of water to
stop the dogs fight.
20. What does the guard at the Swiss
border think the Durrells are?

A travelling circus.

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