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Names: Jessica García i Lucilla Sandoval

The happy prince

1. Why did the mothers want their children to be like the Happy Prince?
Mothers wanted their children to be like the Happy Prince because they saw
the statue of the Prince, covered in gold and jewels, and thought he was very
beautiful and happy.

2. What had the little bird been doing since his friends left to go to Egypt?
The bird stayed behind because it fell in love with a reed. Then he flew to the
city and slept on the statue of the happy prince.

3. When he got to the town, where did the bird go to sleep for the night?
The bird slept at the feet of the statue.

4. When the Prince was alive he had been a rather selfish person. How can you
The Prince was selfish because he was always happy and never sad.

5. Imagine you are the bird helping the Prince give his ruby to the mother and
her child. Describe your journey over the city, and the scene in the poor house.
Imagine flying over the city. It is cold and dark. You see a house with a mother
and child. They are poor. And you give them the ruby.

6. Why was the professor excited when he saw the bird?

The professor was excited because he thought the bird was dead and he could
put it in his book.

7. How did the Prince's diamond help the young play-writer?

The diamond helped the writer because he sold it for food and wood.

8. What happened to the other diamond?

The other diamond was given to the mayor.

9. What else did the Prince give to the poor?

The Prince also gave his eyes to the poor. They were the two most precious
sapphires in the statue.

10. Why was the statue pulled down?

The statue was torn down because the mayor thought it was no longer
beautiful. They wanted to replace it with a new statue.

11. What caused the Mayor and the Town Councillors to argue amongst
The mayor and councillors argued among themselves because they couldn't
agree on what to do with the statue. Some wanted to keep it, while others
wanted to get it out.
12. What did God send his Angel to find, and what did the Angel bring him?
God's Angel found the dead bird and the Prince's heart. They were the most
precious things.

The Star-child
1. How did the woodcutters find the Star-child?
The lumberjacks found the Star-child while chopping firewood in the forest.
They heard a faint cry and discovered the child wrapped in rags in the bushes.

2. Why did one of the men think his friend was foolish?
One of the men believed his friend was foolish because he wished to bring the
child they found in the woods to his home. He preferred to care for the child
instead of leaving him alone in the forest.

3. Why did the woodcutter refuse to go into his home at first?

The woodcutter refused to enter his house at first because he was worried
about the presence of the unknown boy and its possible impact on his own life.

4. What sort of person was the Star-child as he grew up?

The Star-child, as he grew up, became a beautiful but arrogant and cruel

5. Describe the Star-child's first meeting with his mother.

The Star-child's first meeting with his mother was when she, like a beggar,
approached him asking for alms. He did not recognize her as his mother and
rejected her with contempt.

6. What did the Star-child's friends say to him when the old beggar- woman had
The friends of the Star-child told him to be cautious about the curse from the
beggar woman. They suggested that he should dispose of the old clothes he
had given to her.

7. What did the Star-child decide to do?

The Star-child decided to leave in search of adventure and abandon his home
and his previous life.

8. Who bought the Star-child, and what did he do to him?

The Star-child was purchased by a wealthy merchant who was impressed by its
beauty. The merchant brought it to his house to serve as entertainment at his

9. How was the Star-child going to help the Magician?

The Star-child was going to help the Wizard by searching for the most valuable
soul in the world to bring him as a gift.

10. Someone helped the Star-child to find the gold. Who helped him, and where
did he find each piece?
A fairy helped the Star-child find the gold. He found each piece in magical
places: one in a star, another in an enchanted flower, and the last in the heart
of a mermaid.

11. He did not take the gold back to the Magician. Why not?
The Star-child decided not to return the gold to the Wizard because he had
found true love with the fairy and decided to stay with her instead of
complying with the Wizard's demand.

The Selfish Giant

1. Why was the road not a good place for the children to play in?
The road was not good for kids because it was dirty and hard.

2. Why was the Giant's garden always covered in snow?

The Giant’s garden was always in winter because he was selfish and kept
children out, so spring never came.

3. The Hail and Frost liked the garden.Why do you think they were happy there?
The Hail and Frost liked the garden because it was always winter there.

4. The Giant heard a bird singing outside his window. What did this
The Giant heard a bird singing outside his window, which meant that spring
had arrived.

5. When the Giant went downstairs, where were the children?

When the Giant went downstairs, he found the children playing in the garden.

6. How did he help the smallest child?

He helped the smallest child by allowing him to climb a tree and pick the
beautiful flowers.

7. How did the little boy thank the giant for helping him?
The little boy thanked the Giant by giving him a kiss on the cheek.
8. When the Giant was old, the smallest child came back to the garden again.
Why was the Giant angry when he saw him?
The Giant was angry because he thought the child was trespassing in his
garden again.

9. Who do you think the child was?

The child was an angel or a representation of Jesus, teaching the Giant the
importance of compassion.

The Model Millionaire

1. Was Hughie Merton a good worker?
No, Hughie Merton was not considered a good worker. Although he was kind
and generous, he was not very competent at his job.

2. What did Hughie need before he could marry Laura?

Hughie needed to inherit £10,000 before he could marry Laura.
3. Describe the beggar-man in your own words.
The beggar was an old and worn man, with rags and a sad but kind look. He
seemed to have suffered greatly and to be in need.

4. What did Hughie say to Trevor when he found that the artist was paid two
thousand pounds for his painting?
Hughie was surprised and exclaimed: "Two thousand pounds for that painting!"

5. Did Trevor agree with him?

No, Trevor did not agree. He said that the worth of an artwork is not measured
by the time it takes to create it but by the artist’s ability and experience.

6. Why do you think the old man smiled when Hughie gave him the sovereign?
The old man probably smiled in gratitude and appreciation towards Hughie
for his generosity and kindness in giving him the sovereign pound.

7. What did Trevor say the Baron would probably do with Hughie's sovereign?
Trevor said the Baron would probably spend the sovereign pound on whisky.

8. Why did Hughie think that Mr Gustave Naudin had probably come for an
Hughie thought that Gustave Naudin had probably come to apologize
because he had been critical of him before.

9. What was the real reason for the Frenchman's visit?

The real reason for the Frenchman's visit was to borrow money from Hughie.
10. What happened to the Star-child because he had been kind to the beggar?
Star Child was transformed into an ordinary human child and lost his beauty
and status due to his act of kindness towards the beggar.

11. What did the people in the city want the Star-child to do for them?
Why did he refuse?
The people in the city wanted the Star Child to give them money and wealth.
He refused because he had learned to value simple things and did not wish to
contribute further to greed.

12. What happened when he saw the beggar and the beggar-woman in the
When he saw the beggar and the beggar woman in the crowd, Star Child
remembered his past and felt sad for what he had lost due to his lack of
compassion in the past.

The Canterville Ghost

Canterville Chase

1. How did Lord Canterville tell Mr Otis that Canterville Chase was haunted?
Lord Canterville said, “This house is haunted.” He told Mr. Otis directly.

2. What was the first sign the family saw of any haunting?
The first sign was a blood-stain. It was on the floor.

3. How did Mrs Umney explain the presence of the stain?

Mrs. Umney said, “It is an old stain from a sad story.

4. What did Washington do to try to remove the blood-stain?

Washington tried to clean the stain with a cleaner. But it did not go away.

The Ghost

1. Describe what happened to Mr Otis after he went to bed on the third night.
Mr. Otis heard chains at night. He found the ghost and gave oil for the chains.

2. What did the twins do to the ghost?

The twins made jokes. They made traps for the ghost.

3. How had the ghost punished the wicked Lord Canterville for cheat- ing?
The ghost locked the bad Lord Canterville in a room. This was his punishment.
4. 'He smiled as he remembered. smile? What was it that made him the
Smiled as he remembered his past because he used to be the master of
Canterville Chase. He enjoyed scaring the members of the Canterville family
and took his role as the ghost very seriously. His antics had made the
Canterville family live in terror for three hundred years, and some even harmed
themselves because of his scares. This history of being feared and

The changing stain

1. What happened in the library to show that the ghost was still around?
In the library, the color of the stain changed. This showed that the ghost was
still there.

2. How did Mrs Otis make the ghost angry?

Mrs. Otis made the ghost angry by offering him medicine. He didn’t want it.

3. What was the ghost planning to do on the night of 17th August?

On the night of 17th August, the ghost was planning to scare people.

4. What did the twins make that night?

That night, the twins made a fake ghost to trick the real ghost.

A quieter ghost

1. How did the ghost try to make it easier for himself to move around without
being disturbed?
The ghost attempted to move around quietly by oiling the hinges of the doors
and greasing the staircase to prevent creaking noises.
2. What happened when he visited the twins' bedroom?
When the ghost visited the twins' bedroom, he encountered a trap set by the
mischievous twins, who had placed a butter slide at the top of the stairs. The
ghost slid down the slide and landed in a tub of water, causing him to become
drenched and humiliated.
3. What took place on 19th September?
On 19th September, the ghost's wife, Lady Eleanor Canterville, passed away.
This event marked a significant moment for the ghost and became part of the
haunting legend associated with Canterville Chase.
4. Why were the servants angry with the twins?
The servants were angry with the twins because they had been misbehaving
and playing pranks, which caused trouble and chaos in the house. The twins'
antics, including setting traps for the ghost, likely added to the servants'

Conversation with a Ghost

1.When she saw the ghost, Virginia wanted to run away. What changed her
Virginia changed her mind after hearing the ghost's story and feeling empathy
for him.

2. What had the ghost stolen from Virginia?

The ghost had stolen a box of jewels from Virginia.
3. How did the ghost describe the Garden of Death?
The ghost described the Garden of Death as a place where souls find rest and
peace after the pain and sorrow of life.

4. How was Virginia going to help the ghost?

Virginia was going to help the ghost find peace by locating his lost treasure
and giving him a proper burial.

Where is Virginia?

1. What did Mr. Otis imagine had happened to Virginia?

Mr. Otis imagined that Virginia had eloped with the Duke of Cheshire.

2. At what time did Virginia appear, and where?

Virginia appeared at midnight in the tapestry room.

3. When the family went to see the ghost, what did they find?
When the family went to see the ghost, they found him lying on the ground,
pale and distraught.

4. Why had the plate and jug been placed out of the reach of the person in the
secret room?
The plate and jug had been placed out of reach to prevent the ghost from
accessing them and causing disturbance.

The Funeral

1. Imagine that you are the Rev. Augustus Dampier. Describe the funeral
procession and what happened in the churchyard.
The funeral procession was solemn and dignified. The coffin was carried to the
churchyard, where prayers were said and the ghost found peace.

2. Why did Mr. Otis want Virginia to give the jewels to Lord Canterville?
Mr. Otis wanted Virginia to give the jewels to Lord Canterville as a sign of
goodwill and to fulfill the ghost's wishes.

3. Why did Mr. Otis think that Lord Canterville might let Virginia keep the box in
which the jewels were found?
Mr. Otis thought Lord Canterville might let Virginia keep the box because it
contained the ghost's lost treasure, and he believed in honoring the ghost's

4. What did Lord Canterville say would happen to him if he took back the
Lord Canterville said that if he took back the jewels, he would be haunted by
the ghost's spirit forever.

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