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Technical Report/ Reflections

PROJECT NAME: Anti Bullying Poster

NAME: Lauren Scott
The purpose of the reflection is for you to get a better understanding for your completed project, reflect on the process on
creating your project and to describe problems that you encountered and how you solved them.
Each Project requires you to submit a reflection using this template.
After writing your reflection, fill in the rubric using the set criteria.
Hand in report with your assignment.

Each reflection must include the following:

a. Predict what problems you may in contour with the software and state your reasons why.
b. A paragraph explaining which application(s) you used to create the project. This is not a step-by-step
how-to response; it is rather a general description of the application and process you used.
(E.g. After creating a box, using the rectangle tool. I used the convert to curves tool and modified the box
with the shape tool, until I achieved my desired shape)
c. Write a brief paragraph describing a problem that occurred during the project. What specific
obstacles(s) did you run into? How did you handle it?
d. After completing your assignment, what would you of liked to change on your work?


Demonstrated limited
reflection and analysis.

Demonstrated some
reflection and analysis.
Met some of the

moderate reflection
and analysis. Met
most of the


thoroughly reflection
and analysis. Met all of


I dont think I will have a problem with the software because I have become comfortable working with photo shop.


One problem I had when doing this assignment was brainstorming a creative idea that fully represented how bullying affects
kids. After talking to kids about their bullying experiences I found out that they remember all the mean comments people
have called them. Therefore I came up with the idea of putting words onto the girls face to show that words stay with you


One thing I would like to change about my assignment is making it less busy. I find its a lot to look at at once.

Once I chose the picture I was going to use for my poster, I chose words that kids who have been bullied hear on a daily
basis. The one side of the girls face is lighter from the lighting, therefore to ensure that the words looked like they were on
her face I lowered the opacity on the words to make to blend in with the lighting.

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