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Compare and contrast these two

pictures. In your description, answer

the following questions:

Word Bank

causes: burn fossil fuels (factories,

power stations, energy, cars, planes),
increased emission of greenhouse gases
(carbon dioxide, methane, manmade
CFCs), greenhouse effect, manmade
heat trap, the thinning of the ozone
layer, solar radiation
impacts: sea level rises, polar icecap
melts, oceans warm, cause heat waves/
extreme floods/draughts/tornadoes/
natural disasters, animal/plant species
become endangered/extinct, water/food
shortages, lands below sea level
disappear, desertification, become
solutions: introduce laws/regulations,
reach international agreement,
sustainable development, use renewable
energy sources (solar/wind/geothermal/
water power, biomass), use energy
efficient appliances/rechargeable
batteries/public transport, plant trees,
produce less waste, recycle, buy fresh
food, go green

The Environment: Global Warming

What is the relationship between the

How are greenhouse gases produced?
What greenhouse gases do you know?
What effect do they have on the
What major impacts does global
warming have?
How does global warming affect the
earths climate/animal and plant
species/weather events/population?
What do scientists predict regarding the
future of the Blue Planet?
What should governments/politicians/
businesses do to stop this process?
What can individuals do for decreasing
global warming?

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