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Rhetoric Guided Notes

What is rhetoric?
Rhetoric is the art of persuasion.

We use language to persuade.

We use rhetoric ALL. THE. TIME.
Daily conversation


Rhetorical Triangle
Analyzes how people use communication
Uses his/her voice to create an identity
Uses own beliefs/feelings to persuade
Employs writing styles/rhetorical
techniques to make a compelling point
Speaker chooses a subject about
which s/he feels passionate
Speaker must evaluate how s/he feels
and what s/he knows
Speaker must always consider
Speaker must consider what audience wants to hear
Speakers must meet demands of audience

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos: An appeal to credibility

As a teacher, I have personally experienced the effects of poverty on education.

Pathos: An appeal to emotion

Your small, innocent children are suffering as they go to school with grumbling bellies.

Logos: An appeal to logic

If we address issues in poverty, students will learn more readily in school and become
more productive members of society.

Visual Rhetoric
A picture speaks a thousand words.
Visual images and physical objects communicate meaning and make arguments.

*For example, to argue that drug laws favor certain groups, you might bring in a bag of
flour to exemplify the amount of powder cocaine that sends someone to jail.

How does satire act as a form of rhetoric?

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