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Metaphysical colours- Gold and silver

Colour creates, enhances, changes, reveals, and

establishes the mood of a painting,
Similarly, colour evokes feelings and emotions in us.
Some of us are drawn to certain colours, but some are
found very unappealing.
There is a universal battle on the ranks of gold and
silver, whether in forms of colour or the mere objects.
Gold colours wealth and endurance. Empire, palaces,
temples, the reins of power and the energy of the sun,
are all symbols of gold. Gold associates with confidence
and courage, with masculine energies and royalty. The
variations of the gold colour are citrine, tigers eye,
harvest, poppy and champagne.
Silver symbolizes money, especially coins, and along
with gold it represents wealth too. It also signifies the
moon, feminine energy, intuition and the realm of
imagination. Purity, in some cultures, also comes in the
form of silver. The two variations of the silver colour are
Timber wolf and trout.
These two colours are a beautiful combination, and
were used for engagement rings and other accessories
in the Indus civilization. Although they were and,
sometimes, are used together, gold is still in

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