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What is your opinion towards students wearing uniforms?

Should it be

For how long have we been wearing school uniforms? For me, I have worn
uniforms in school for almost twenty years since the first day at school. Every
day in the morning, I had to rush for dressing up; I put on a white ironed shirt and
a sailor skirt. Then, I put on clean white socks and folded the rim twice. As a girl,
I also needed to braid my hair and put a skirt color-matched ribbon on. Finally, I
put on well-polished black leather shoes and rushed out to school. Looking back
at the old days makes me wonder how I can do that for over a half of my life.
Luckily, I dont have to wear uniforms every day since I have attended university
but still, I have to wear it on the examination day. After all of these, is it
necessary to wear uniforms and how uniforms affect the learning process at

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