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Report Writing

Last Saturday,dated on the 16 September 2008 our school had carried out a cleanliness
campaign successfully.The aim of the campaign is to rise the awareness among the student about the
importance of keeping the environment clean.With the sloganOur Environment,Our Responsibility,
this year event was the most exciting and effective one.With the heald of ten teachers and eighty
students,the campaign was held spectacularly.
There was a gotong-royong activity during the campaign.The participants were divided into
a grouped according to the tasks that given,a group of form 5 students were get a tasks to decorate the
rest rooms whereas the form 4 group were responsible to clean the herbs garden.Another activity
which was held is mural drawing.This tasks was specially assigned for SRT students that well-known
in their creativity.
From the activities organized,students get a lot of experiences that give a benefit not just to
themselves but also to the school as we can make school a better place to study and produce a
well-perform students in academic and also co-curiculum.From these,we can make everyone salute to
our school.
From what we has say,we also faced a little problems that is were the attendance of students
that majority cannot be cooperate each others and did not interest in these kind of activity.Besides
that,we did not have enough tools to do gardening.
After these campaign,I found that our school must have recycle bin.So that,the students will
put the suitable rubbish in that bin.We also have to invite private company to be a suppliers for our
new landscapes.For attract more volunteers,I suggest to invite a band or local artiste and arrange a
mini concert to celebrate their hardworks
Lastly,I would to express my deepest appreciation for your guidance and attention.I hope this
activity will be a tradition in our school.

Prepared by:

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