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BBFC certification

We have decided to rate our film a 15; as a result, no

one under this age is permitted to purchase or rent this
We decided to rate our film a 15 as there are themes or
ideas in the production that may prove to be mentally
disturbing people under the age of 15.
What is permitted in a 15-rated film or video?
Any of the following:

Strong violence
Frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
Portrayals of sexual activity
Strong verbal references to sex
Sexual nudity
Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal reference
to sexual violence
Discriminatory language or behaviour
Drug taking

Strong language there is no upper limit on the number

of uses of strong language. There can be occasional use
of the strongest terms (e.g. c***) depending on the
context. However aggressive use will not fall under a 15.
Sexual activity sexual activity & nudity may be
portrayed in a 15, though not in strong detail and not
persistent. There can be strong verbal sexual references,
however overly strong references are not likely to be
permitted by a 15.
Horror works there can be strong threat or horror as
long as no persistent themes of sadistic or sexualised
threats at a 15.
Drugs drug taking may be shown but must not promote
drug misuse in anyway, misuse of easily accessible and
highly dangerous substances such as solvents is most
likely to be declined at a 15.

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