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Friday 02/26
KWCS Auction
Our class is supporting the KWCS auction. Sheltins dad is
constructing a Lemonade stand that will be auctioned to raise
funds for our school. There are many costs that are going into this
project. If you are able to support, through either money or
materials, please contact Martin so that we can share the load.
Martin Krcek
Woodin' You, LLC
Phone: 360.571.0082

State Report
Two of the long-term projects were assigned today. These are
in addition to the weekly flow of 1 written paragraph. Because
little class time will be devoted to these projects, they have been
given early so that students can use time as they have it to get
these things done. The two projects assigned today were:
State Map: Due 3/11 (2 weeks from today)
State Flag: Due 4/15 (same as your taxes!)
I have attached the criteria pages to the Parent Resources section
of the website.
1. Read 30 minutes
2. Reading Log-Day 1 of Lit. Circle. Due Mon. AM.
Creature Writing-Due Mon. AM
Khan Academy
Decimal Practice

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