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American Folk Dance

Grade: 2
Time: 10-15 minutes

Old Brass Wagon

Lesson Design by: Kelsey Holland and Paula Pittz



1.) Students will learn an American Folk Dance Song

2.) Students will gain an understanding of music in
relation to history and culture.



1.) Whole class starts in a big circle facing each other

1.) Circle

2.) Circle to the left-Everyone grab hands and walk

to the left (clockwise)

2.) Partners

3.) Circle to the right-Everyone grab hands and walk

to the right (counter clockwise)
4.) Everybody in-4 steps in the circle followed by 4
steps out of the circle. (Do this twice)
5.) Swing o swing-Hook elbows with a partner
6.) Dosey doe-Arms up and folded while you circle
around a partner and end up back in a big circle.

Common Core Standards

Not available for history and culture studies

Extensions/Teaching Tips
Teach students the words first and once they have them down,
then teach them the movements.

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