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Publicity newsclip

managing media intelligently

Expose. Educate. Empower. Wednesday, 5 March 2008

PUBLICITY NEWS The IABC Johannesburg Chapter will be

hosting a workshop to explore the changing role
T y n a g o of media monitoring in the corporate communication
Communications, environment. Hosted by Daniel Munslow,
previously Symbiotic Publications and Media Manager at Newsclip, the
Communications workshop will offer insights into the local media
Johannesburg, has landscape and arm you with the knowledge of how it
rebranded after a refocus works and what its benefits are. The workshop will
within Symbiotic Communications. Symbiotic also cover: trends in South African media; the basics
Communications in Durban will remain an associate of media monitoring; an introduction to media
of Tynago’s, as does Paula Wilson Media Consulting in evaluation and statistical interpretation (including a
Cape Town. “The name ‘Tynago’ is in honour of the demo on a live media monitoring system). The
first clients who signed with us as letters from their workshop will take place from 09:00 to 14:00
company names have been used to create our new (including lunch) at Foxwood House, 13 Fifth Street,
brand name. Without their loyal support – we would Houghton. The cost is R450 for members and R750
not exist,” said Nicola Featonby-Smith, who heads for non-members. If you would like specific questions
here for more.
Tynago Communications. ClickLhere answered at the workshop, email them directly to To attend, RSVP by
Inroads Communications (Pty) Ltd and 7 March by contacting Tertia Dafel on 082 377 5554 or
ChilliBush Communications (Pty) Ltd, two of
South Africa's communication houses, have
announced their merger. As part of this fusion, two NEW ACCOUNTS
new companies will be formed effective 1 March.
They are: ChilliBush Inroads Communications (Pty) The Scholar Ship, the world’s
Ltd and ChilliBush Inroads Public Relations (Pty) Ltd. first ocean-roaming
Jackie du Rand will be the Group Managing Director of university sailing from continent
both entities. The new board of Directors will include to continent in quest of cultural
the original founding members of both organisations: knowledge, has appointed
Makhaola Mohanoe, Metsing Malebo, Bongi Mkhungo Marcus Brewster Publicity
here for more.
and Dale Hefer. ClickLhere (MBP) as its agency of record for
South Africa. MBP will be involved in brokering
Red Ribbon strategic partnerships for the Scholar Ship, apart
Communications from chartering her course in South African media
is opening an office in waters. ClickLhere
here for more.
Johannesburg in
March. The office will Bob Martin, leader in pet
be run by Deirdré van Zyl Smit who has extensive healthcare, has appointed
experience in managing marketing and PR Grapevine Communications to
campaigns in the technology industry. Deirdré has launch a new product range of pet
been with the company since February 2007. “This supplements. Grapevine was
move comes as a result of enormous opportunities in identified as the ideal PR partner due to its extensive
the Johannesburg market”, says Ronelle Bester, fmcg experience.
owner of Red Ribbon Communications. The agency is
five years old in March and has been growing steadily Headlines has been
over the past few years. Opening an office in appointed to handle all the
Johannesburg adds the final touch to our success. media relations for The Loerie
Red Ribbon Communications is a full-service Awards 2008. Since being
marketing and public relations consultancy focusing revamped in 2005, The Loerie Awards has become
solely on the technology industry in South Africa. more than just an awards ceremony focused on
creativity, it is now a major reference amongst
Kadoro Events and marketers and agencies and has grown to encompass
Communications, in every area of brand communication.
association with leading
healthcare advertising PEOPLE ON THE MOVE
agency Fine Healthcare, recently handled both the
internal and external launches of DSM- I-Flex - a new Nadia Vosloo has been appointed as Account Director
arthritis product for flexiblility, constituted with rose- in the Johannesburg office of Marcus Brewster
here for more.
hip as the principal ingredient. ClickLhere Publicity. ClickLhere
here for more.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative UPDATE

EDITOR’S CORNER The significance of online has also meant a change in

the way PRs should go about getting exposure for
Top communicators gather at Newsclip for clients. While the traditional press release/press kit is
‘Understanding the Media’ talk still vital and most certainly has its place for specific
occasions or journalists, it is also important that PRs
By Pat McClelland make use of the available technology to improve
accessibility and make their content more attractive
On Thursday, 28 February, Newsclip, in association to both journalists, and the new 'influencers'
with PRISA, hosted a seminar titled 'Understanding bloggers. Daniel discussed the advantages of
the Media' aimed at enhancing the understanding of creating an online press portal and using optimised
the South African media landscape in relation to the press releases for both PR agencies and their clients.
public relations industry among PRs. Representatives These allow for improved search engine visibility and
from a number of Johannesburg-based PR agencies attract the attention of online journalists and
attended the seminar. bloggers, as well as mainstream journalists, who are
increasingly using the internet to generate story
The seminar was presented by Daniel Munslow, ideas.
Newsclip Publications and Media Manager and Editor
of Media Update; Publicity Update and totallyMAd. By directing a reporter to a single URL for updates,
Daniel's experience in the media industry spans six one avoids spamming those who aren't interested;
years and he is currently an associate member of and gives those who are an easily accessible online
PRISA; a PRCC honorary member; an IABC honorary press kit that can include the latest photo gallery;
member; a judge for the IABC Africa Quill Awards; a logos in the format you want them used; graphics;
member of AMASA; an AMASA committee member; a 'backgrounders'; speeches; video clips and a search
Pendoring Awards committee member and a judge function to make what they are looking for easy to
for the MPASA PICA Awards. find. One can make create press releases that
incorporate social bookmarking, multimedia content,
Daniel started off by using the famous phrase coined comments and trackbacks. Using social media sites
by Marshall McLuhan, author of Understanding to host content (YouTube, Flickr, Facebook etc) also
Media, “The medium is the message”. McLuhan makes it easier for bloggers to link content they find
argued that the form of the medium itself has a interesting to their blogs.
greater impact on society than the information
transferred by it, or the 'message'. Each medium that The seminar certainly provided some food for
has been introduced to society in the past has thought, and served to remind everyone that if you
produced profound effects due to its very nature don’t pay attention to the message of the medium,
many of which are only evident in hindsight. Daniel you risk being left trailing behind.
highlighted the significance of the concept as we
move increasingly closer towards a society
dominated by the message of a new medium - the See you next week.
internet. DANIEL
Daniel then went on to give a brief overview of the
South African media landscape as it stands at the Daniel Munslow
moment, providing a breakdown of the various media Pat McClelland
types. He also looked at some important figures that EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Stefanie Jason
should be taken into account by PRs. MEDIA RESEARCHER Roane Booth
Undoubtedly, the most
interesting topic of the Publicity Update is published by Newsclip.
seminar was Daniel's
discussion regarding the increasingly important role Daniel is a member of the Public Relations Institute of
online media is playing with regards to public Southern Africa (PRISA), the Public Relations
relations and brand reputation. He explained how the Consultancy Chapter (PRCC) and the International
nature of online media allows consumers to vocalise Association of Business Communicators.
their opinions far more easily than before a fact that
becomes significant when coupled with the trend that GET IN TOUCH
people are now far more likely to take the views of Want to make a contribution? Want to share your opinions
fellow consumers into consideration, as opposed to and stories about the public relations industry? We want
the views expressed by journalists in traditional to hear from you.
media. Daniel highlighted the benefits of using tools
such as blog aggregator, Amatomu and Google You can email us at or call
us on (011) 288-6600.
Alerts, as well as media monitoring services, to gain
insight into what's being said in the South African
blogosphere regarding a specific brand/company.
Media Update
Publicity Update
Looking into the future, Daniel totallyMAd -
noted the seriousness with which
many business organisations Data is provided for information purposes only. Newsclip shall not be responsible for any
direct or indirect or other damage of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred by you
(BMW; Reuters; IBM; Virgin; related to your use of, or your inability to access or use, the content of this publication.
Vodafone - the list goes on) are taking opportunities to Although we have taken all possible steps to ensure the validity of our sources, reliance on
the information contained in this update is used at your own risk.
develop their brands within virtual worlds such as
Second Life.

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