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Paredes, Marielle Anne B.


March 7, 2016
12:00-3:00 pm

2nd Accountancy Convention

Harness the Odds: Create Persist Achieve
Last February 24, 2016, the department of Accountancy held a
convention for the first and second year students. One of the speakers
was Mr Win Ballada, CPA board topnotcher and famous author of
accounting books. He shared his road to become a successful CPA. In
his speech he emphasizes that the path to become a CPA was never
easy but since it was his passion, he strived hard to what he is today.
In his speech, aside from his love story, there was this line that
really struck me. It is when he said that, I cant see myself doing this
(draw) in the future, so he shifted from Civil Engineering to BSA. And it
really made me think, is becoming a CPA what I really wanted? Well,
Im not really sure. At this stage, Im still confused if I should push this
through because accountancy wasnt my first choice. But Im still
giving myself time to find what I truly wanted. Also during his speech,
he made me feel a bit guilty. Because he wasnt as fortunate as we are,
studying in a prestigious university without working our asses off to
pay our tuition fees, and yet we still complain and are lazy enough to
Real blessings are shared. He felt the responsibility of sharing,
the blessing God has bestowed upon him, the gift of knowledge. He
made the lives of many BSA students a lot easier through his books.
Yes, I may not yet know what course I really wanted but one things for
sure, I want to be like Mr Ballada who inspires other people and
somewhat make their lives less complicated. Win Ballada is such an
amazing person but what made him more inspiring is his faith. He
never forgets to pray and ask Gods guidance in everything he does
and I think thats his biggest secret to his success.

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