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Classroom Guidelines which includes:

The classs daily schedule which is subject to change

Our Class Rules:

Work as a Team
Be Responsible
Listen to others
Be RESPECTIBLE to everyone
Do your BEST

Every day, when you brings in your homework and materials, you will get to add a music
note behind your name on a bulletin board. If you forget to raise you hand, or
misbehave, you could lose a music note. At the end of the week, we count up the notes
and move your names up the playlist on the iPod. Every time you get your name to the
number 1 spot on the playlist, you get a chip to use in our store full of prizes.
In addition to the above rewards if I catch a student displaying exceptional behavior
during the school day you might earn addition rewards which might include,
Extra art classes
Computer time
Free time

There will be consequences if you choose not to follow the rules:

First Offense
A warning
Second Offense =
Above plus a time out period in class
Third Offense
Above plus you will write for me a short note
explaining why you are choosing to misbehave
Fourth Offense =
Above plus loss of recess
Fifth Offense
All of the above plus a call to you parent/s
*****Exceptions to the guidelines/rules, rewards, and consequences might
be necessary and will be made at the discretion of the instructor.

Anticipated Daily Schedule (Due to assemblies, and a variation in the timing of

some daily special schedules this schedule may not be a true minute by minute
indication of your childs day.) If you would like to visit during a certain part of the day
to observe or assist in the classroom please call ahead to verify the schedule for the day
of your choice.
8:45 9:00 Check-in and Daily Math
9:00 9:45 Math
9:45 10:15 PE/Music/Library (daily special)
10:15 10:30AM Recess
10:30 11:15 Reading
11:15 11:45 Spelling (Band/Orchestra)
11:45 12:15 Science/Health
12:15 1:05 Lunch
1:05 1:30 Group Reading/SSR
1:30 2:15 Social Studies
2:15 2:30 PM Recess
2:30 3:05 Language Arts/Writing Art
3:05 3:15 Daily Review and preparation for dismissal

I have reviewed the guidelines/rules, rewards, consequences, and daily

schedule listed above. If I have any questions I will call my childs teacher.
____________________________________________ Parent
Signature and Date
Please sign, date, cut along the line, and return the bottom portion to your
childs teacher by (PLACE DATE HERE). The information listed above is
yours to keep and refer to throughout the year. Any major changes in any
of the above information will result in the production of a similar form at
the time of the change.

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