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Narrative explaining how my time is spent daily…

Over the last four years of my matriculation here at Claflin University I have never really had a
set bedtime. I do not go to bed before 12 midnight but I do a lot myself at least 5 hours of sleep
a night. I always wake up about an hour before my first class of the day unless I have last minute
work to do or a test to study for. I have to set my alarm clock one hour before the actual time
that I want to get up, so that when I do get up I am a little energized. It takes me about 25
minutes to take a shower. It takes me 10 minutes to brush my teeth and wash my face and 15
minutes to get dressed.

I have three classes a day. At 12 noon every day I go to the café for lunch and spend at least an
hour eating and socializing with my peers. I go to dinner for about an hour each day also. When I
am not talking with my peers face to face I am texting them and this takes up about 5 hours of
my day but I text while accomplishing another task such as doing homework. I send at least 3500
text a month. I do not really talk on the phone unless it is usually someone I do not talk to
everyday or it’s something very important. I do spend at least 3 hours total a day talking to my
boyfriend. I do not really watch TV but when I do its one hour max in a 5 hour time span.
Facebook is a weakness of mine. I spend at about an hour on Facebook at the least when my
schedule is not hectic. I spend at least 2 hours of my day relaxing and chilling with friends.

Meetings and work take up a good portion of my day. I spend at least 6 hours in meetings during
the week. I am a resident Assistant (RA) in my residence hall and I am scheduled to work every
other week three hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and 6 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Even if I am off of work I still “on duty” so therefore if I am needed I have to go so this takes up
about 3 hours during my off week. When I am at work this is when I get the majority of my
school work done. I spend at least 2 hours doing school work a day. I also work on my thesis
about an hour everyday.

How my day is usually spent!!

7% Sleep
7% 18% Work
14% Texting
18% Meeting


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