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On 26 February this year, the Teen Club conducted a gotong-royong at Kampung Melor
playground. The main aim of the gotong-royong was to clean and beautify the compound of the
playground. About fifty of the members with two club advisors, showed up and gathered at the
playground at 8.30 am.
The playground was in bad condition. The grass was very long. There was rubbish
everywhere. There was rubbish even on the slides and under the swings. We divided our duties
systematically and got to work. Members were divided into a few groups. We mowed the grass.
We trimmed the bushes and cleared away all dead leaves and branches. Then, we swept and
cleaned the grounds. One group painted the swings, slides and see-saws with bright and cheerful
colours. Our advisors helped them.
At 1.30 pm, we all took a break and had our lunch. The residents of Kampung Melor
generously sponsored our meal for that day. We had a mouth watering nasi beriani with
refreshing ice tea to quench our thirst.
After that, we fixed some new large litter bins at the playground. Another group planted
pretty plants and flowering shrubs along the sides of the field. Finally, we fixed a large sign at
the edge of the playground. The sign read, Keep Our Playground Clean.
We finished our work by 5.30 pm. By that time, all of us were worn out. However, it was a
worthy effort as the playground looked pretty, neat and tidy. A sense of satisfaction filled our
heart. We had done a good job and a good deed for the community. We really hope that the
community especially the residents of Kampung Melor will do their parts to maintain the
playground by not littering.

I live in Wonderland Village. The villagers here are friendly and they always help each other.
Something strange happened in the village two weeks ago. Some villagers were having high
fever. Everyone looked gloomy and worried. Our village chief, Mr. Alibaba, investigated the
cause of the fever.
Last Saturday, he gathered all the villagers at the playground. He informed the villagers that
the river in the village was blocked and clogged. Rubbish was floating all around. Larvae were
growing in the water, thus the situation increased the risks of having dengue fever. Therefore, he
decided to organize a 'gotong-royong' activity in our housing estate. He asked all of us to
contribute our effort to clean up the mess.
The programme began at 10 in the morning. All villagers were divided into small groups to
clean up the compound efficiently. My family and neighbours who live in the same street were
told to clear up the river. We cleared up the rubbish with a big net. After that, Mr. Alibaba and his

children put the mosquito repellent in the river to kill the larvae. Some villagers cleared up the
playground and field. Mr. Lee, the richest man in our village brought his lawn mowers for the
villagers to mow the grass.
On the other hand, others worked on the gardens, weeding and trimming the bushes and
clearing away all the dead leaves and branches. The compound looked beautiful after the
'gotong-royong'. The famous painter in our village, Ms. Selena painted a beautiful mural at the
entrance of our village. The theme of the mural is about togetherness and the spirit of 1Malaysia.
It looked simple but very meaningful. Some elderly ladies and housewives prepared delicious
lunch for the villagers.
By the time the activity ended, the villagers were worn out. They were delighted. Everyone
played their significant roles to make the 'gotong-royong' activity a great success. As a member
of Wonderland Village, I am proud and grateful that all the villagers can gather for one purpose,
regardless of our creed and race.

Last Sunday, the member of the Nature Society held a gotong-royong at our school. The
aim of the project was to clean up the school compound. The gotong-royong began at eight in the
Some of the students cleared up the rubbish left around in the school compound. Other
students set to work, clearing and washing the drains.
A number of the students had brought lawn mowers and began mowing the grass on the
school field. Others set to work on the gardens weeding and trimming the bushes and clearing
away all dead leaves and branches. The school was soon beginning to look better.
Several students also washed the dusty window of the classrooms, staffrooms,
laboratories and the school office. A few students decided to do something about the school gate
that had peeling paint and was beginning to rust in some places. They scraped away the old paint
and gave the gate a new coat of white paint.
By the time the gotong-royong ended, the students were worn out, but the school was
spick and spam. They gathered in the school canteen for refreshments provided by the teachers.
If we want to keep our school looking beautiful, we must all do our part. We have to keep
the school compound by not littering.

The Nature Society of Sekolah Menengah Gurun held a gotong-royong on the 6 March
2016. The aim of the gotong-royong was to clean and beautify the school compound. This was in

conjunction with the Best Kept School Garden competition. About one hundred students, who
were all members of the Nature Society, took part in the gotong-royong.
The students were divided into six groups. Each group had a leader and they were given
specific jobs to do. The first group trimmed hedges around fence. The hedges were badly
overgrown and untidy. The students trimmed the hedges and also thinned them out. The end
result was very neat and satisfactory.
The second group was told to clean the drains. The drains were full of mud and stones.
The students took a long time to clean the drains because there are a lot of works involved. The
third group arranged the rock garden. They arranged the rocks to form a beautiful pattern. They
also weeded the rock garden.
The next group planted some trees. The trees were donated by Mr. David Tan, the father
of the Nature Society President. Another group cleaned up the pond which was full of dirty,
muddy water. After cleaning the pond, the students put some fishes into the pond.
The last group painted the flower pots. They used colourful paint and some students even
drew attractive patterns onto the flower pots.
The gotong-royong ended at three in the afternoon. By this time, the school compound
looked very much cleaner and more beautiful. A special thank should go to the students who put
in so much time and effort to make this project a successful one.
To :

Hajah Arbaieyah Binti Sahran

The Principal,Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Semerah,
Batu Pahat, Johor.

From : Mohd Aimi Bin Maikol Jamek

Secretary of The Environment Club,
SMK Semerah
Report about the Cleanliness Campaign in SMK Semerah
On 4 August 2008, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Semerah has conducted a cleanliness
campaign. This campaign is conducted to gain awareness among students about the importance
of keeping the environment clean.

This campaign has been conducted for 3 days, from 4 August 2008 to 6 August 2008. This
campaign are held at the school hall and around the school area. The campaign is organized by
the schools committee in co-operation with the schools Environment Club. The aim of this
campaign is to gain awareness among students about the importance of keeping the environment
clean. The slogan of this campaign is Caring for our schools environment .
20 Members of the Environment Club are helping to conduct this campaign. This include the
club members, and the club chairman, Mr Ali Bin Husin. They had help a lot especially during
the whole 3days of the campaign. 5 Teachers also help to conduct during the whole activity. The
teachers act as the leader for certain activities and monitor the progress of the activities.
Among the activities being carried out during the whole campaign is speech and talks, and also
the Recycling activities. The speech is held at the schools hall, given by Environments Club
president, Mohd Hisham Bin Lee. The speech entitled Preserving our earth . Among the issue
highlighted is about the global warming, pollution, and animal and nature extinction. At the end
of the speech, students are given opportunity to ask question related to the topic. The second
activities is recycling. This activities is to educate the students about the importance of recycling
and to encourage students to recycle. Each students are asked to collect as many recyclable item
such as papers, tin, and plastics. They can also bring it from their home. The school has provided
a lot of recycle bin for separated items. After that , there cycle item has been sell to Recycle
Centre. This has provide a lot of money for the school and the committee.
This campaign has given a lot of benefit for the school, and the students. During this whole
campaign, the students has co-operate each other to contribute doing the activities. Students also
learn a lot from the speech and talk programme about the environment and cleanliness.
Even though the campaign can be describe as a success, but theres a certain problem that
occur such as lack of recycle bin provided and a little students to participate on certain activities.
We hope that the school will provide more recycle bin to be placed around the school on the
strategic area. We also hope that in the future, the students will pay more attention to the
activities and participate actively on the next campaign that will be held at the end of this year.
This campaign is a good activities. It is hope that it will be continued for the upcoming years.
This activities is a success because of the high commitment and dedication of its members.
On behalf of the Environment Club, I would like to thank our teachers and fellow students for all
their support and co-operation given during this whole campaign

The Environment Club
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Semerah, Batu Pahat, Johor.

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