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Ahmad Afiquddin Ahmad

Paper 5 Draft 3
Negin H. Goodrich

Unemployment Crisis among Youths: Solving It

The recent recession has left the worlds economy crippled, as stocks
plummeted and companies were forced to lay off their workers to cope with the
chaotic market. Although, the Great Recession officially ended 5 years ago, the
aftermath of the disaster continues to plague, and the ones who are most affected
by the incident are fresh college graduates looking for a job. Nowadays, employers
look for graduates who not only look good on paper, but have the skills and ability
to back them up. I believe, to somehow reduce the unemployment rates, youths
need to experience working in their desired field, as part of their college education.
This can be done by forming partnerships between colleges and the private
industries, and creating a program that helps students gain working experience as
part of their course.
The first reason that justifies my opinion to send out college students to work
in their desired field as part of their college education is the learning experience
itself. Throughout the four years in college, one will wonder whether what they have
learnt so far in class still applies years after graduation, mainly in their careers.
There is only so much that one could learn from a classroom education, and even I,
as a college student, am still confused if I will ever use calculus in my life after
college. The thoughts that run through an average college students mind further
highlights the importance of working experience being a part of education. Working
out in the field for a month or two will help college students understand the
importance of what they are learning in lectures, and how it will translate to real life
application. Moreover, the knowledge gained by college students through first-hand
experience will provide them with a firm grasp on their college education,
simultaneously improving their grades.
As for my second reason, I would like to point out the fact that skill and ability
are the most important components that employers seek for, and these could only
be procured through practical experience. From my previous interview with Ms.
Danielli, I learned that some jobs require an applicant to have the skills and
experience necessary to excel in his or her career. By making career experience a
part of college education, college students will obtain the platform that they need to
jumpstart their future occupations after graduation. Furthermore, while working with
other professionals who have long been in the trade, they will also receive
important advice, tips and career secrets that will help them prepare for life as
working adults and to be successful employees in the long run.

My third and last reason relates more to employers rather than college
students themselves. By partnering with colleges and welcoming students into their
foray, they will help train youths who could be future employees that will bring them
great fortune and success in the future. Through the program, employers will have
the chance to monitor and track the progression of young and promising talents
that are kept hidden in colleges. Employers will also help unearth and polish these
raw talents, and decide whether the students are worthy of employment. The fact
that employment is a possible outcome from the program will motivate the college
students to increase their efforts in showing their eagerness and determination to
produce good results, helping them learn more about their future careers on a
subconscious level. In the end it is a win-win situation for both sides.
Many will argue that college youths are unreliable, that they are too young,
and too irresponsible to be trusted with a temporary working position without
proper training and education. I believe that some of the words hold true, but I
would like to deny the opinion that youths should not be given an opportunity to
work solely because they make mistakes. Making errors is what being human is all
about, and college students should be given the freedom to make mistakes, as the
faults that they commit will help them learn, and remind them that they should
never repeat the wrongs that they have done in the future, given that they are
successful in landing a job. Another popular opinion is that college students could
also gain experience through part-time jobs or internships and I am not denying the
fact that, yes, there are other ways to gain working experience without this
program. However, these chances are limited, and in comparison, this program will
provide college youths a fair opportunity to gain working experience without having
to go through interviews.
In conclusion, I believe that providing college students with the opportunity to
experience their future occupations first hand, as part of their college education, will
help them develop the ability they need in order to land a job, and in the long run,
help improve employment rates among college graduates in the future. Although
there are defects in this opinion of mine, I believe that there are many benefits that
are to be gained that will overshadow these small arguments against giving college
students a chance to help better themselves and their chances for employment.

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