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Cawdrey, A Table Alphabeticall

[fr] ABandon, cast away, or yeelde vp, to

leaue or forsake.
Abash, blush.
abba, father.
[fr] abbesse, abbatesse, Mistris of a Nunnerie, comforters of others.
[fr] abbettors, counsellors.
aberration, a going a stray, or wandering.
abbreuiat, (* synonyms *) to shorten, or make
[fr] abbridge, short. (* synonyms end *)
[fr] abbut, to lie vnto, or border vpon, as one
lands end meets with another.
abecedarie, the order of the Letters, or hee
that vseth them.
aberration, a going astray, or wandering.
[fr] abet, to maintaine.

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