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CEP 416 Lesson

6th grade Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives

6th grade: Michigan GLCEs

6 – G2.2.1 Describe the human characteristics of the region under study (including
languages, religion, economic system, governmental system, cultural traditions).

6 – G2.2.3 Analyze how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places
and regions(e.g., the Caribbean Region that presently displays enduring impacts of
different immigrant groups – Africans, South Asians, Europeans – and the differing
contemporary points of view about the region displayed by islanders and tourists).

W.PS.06.01 Exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the written message in both
narrative (e.g., personification, humor, element of surprise) and informational writing
(e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support).

Michigan Educational Technology Standards (Grades 6-8)

4. Understand that new technology tools can be developed to do what could not be done without
the use of technology.

Lesson Substance

Title: Cultural Literacy Around the World

Length: 30 minutes daily (Teacher must set X week period of time)

Rationale: This lesson is a great way to integrate the content areas of Social Studies and
Language Arts. The concept of literacy is often overlooked as just reading and writing. However,
literacy fits into all aspects of life. For example, one could be literate in math, golf, or the guitar.
Its definition has vastly changed throughout the years. This very fact is crucial for our students to
learn. For this lesson, I will concentrate on cultural literacy with my 6 th graders. They will have
the opportunity to research their own definitions of culture, literacy, and cultural literacy, as well
as travel around the world through technology. They will use the Internet, as well as my ‘mock’
Class Wiki, to travel to other countries and share their ideas. Google Earth will also aid in this.
After all, it is important for students to learn that their beliefs, traditions, and customs can be
different from others around the world. The United State is melting pot of cultures and the must
learn to look past their different and work alongside one another. They will be able to edit and
post pictures/videos, while learning about Wikispaces and Google Earth. Please refer to the Wiki
page to see further instructions on this ongoing assignment.

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