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Greek and Latin Roots



1. cacophony (ka-k-f-n) n. unpleasant loud sounds

2. megaphone (me-g-fn) n. a cone-shaped device used to
make your voice louder when you speak through it
3. phonetic (f-ne-tik) adj. representing each speech sound
with a single symbol
4. symphony (sim-f-n) n. a long piece of music that is usually
in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an
5. psychology (s-k-l-j)- n. the science or study of the mind
and behavior
6. psyche (s-k) - the soul, mind, or personality of a person or
7. psychic (s-kik) adj. used to describe strange mental powers
and abilities (such as the ability to predict the future, to know
what other people are thinking, or to receive messages from
dead people) that cannot be explained by natural laws

Greek and Latin Roots

8. psychoanalysis (s-k--na-l-ss) - n. a method of explaining

and treating mental and emotional problems by having the
patient talk about dreams, feelings, memories, etc.
cacophony The sounds of barking dogs and sirens added to the ____________ on the
megaphone The cheerleader used a ______________ to make her voice louder.
phonetic The dictionary gives each words definition, part of speech, and its
_____________ spelling.
symphony On the Fourth of July, we watched the fireworks and listened to the
psychology In _______________ class, we studied how to train our minds to be less
psyche The childs _______________ is often fragile and needs to be nurtured.
psychic Though she predicted the raise at her job, she did not think she had
_______________ powers.
psychoanalysis The doctor recommended ____________ for the boy who was struggling
with anxiety.

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