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Integrated Lecture of Islam and other disciplines

Students assignment
Do group discussion, to discuss:
How did Syafii do to increase his knowledge?
What approach of learning and what learning
method he applied?
What you can learn from his way of learning? Is
the method applicable for Medical students?
Justify your judgment!
How and when will you apply the method he used?

What did he do to face differences of understanding,

particularly if it happens with his teacher?
What can we learn from that?
Did he critically appraise other people understanding?
Give example from his biography.
In what way was he open to others ideas and in what
way he did not?
Did he applied critical thinking concept for his
learning? Justify your answer!
In general, what attitudes of learners that we can
learn from him.
Why critical thinking and critical appraisal are
urgently to conduct by Syafii for his knowledge (fiqh)
and what can we infer for medical concept?
What are the result of his great job?

Moslems concept of
Long life learning (Continuing Professional
Development (CPD)
Hadist: Tholabul Ilmi .
Tholabul Ilmi .
Critically think problems (afalaa
tatafakkaruun?? Ali Imron: )
Critically appraise learning resources

Why critically appraising

Fiqh should be based on hadist. Therefore
good and trustable references are badly
needed. The appropriate concepts based
on shahih hadist are principles. Moslem
cannot do any religious activities like which
were not conducted by Rosulullah.
Otherwise, it can be considered as bidah.
Therefore, Islamic study on appraising
hadist is very important.

Critical Thinking?
In what way Moslems do that. Does it
worth for Moslems? Why?
What did SyafiI do in facing cases?
Did he apply critical thinking?
How is so? Is it like the way we do?

Critical thinking and appraisal are highly tradition
of Moslems
We loss and forget this tradition in our life
We sometimes forget that Islam regulates
attitudes of learning.
We also forget that Islam teaches long life
learning and love knowledge, will give prestigious
positions for those who has knowledge. This makes
us lazy to learn.
How about you?

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