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English Methodology

Jos Javier Brdalo Carrero

A learner prole describes the ways in which a student learns
best. A comprehensive learner prole includes information on student
interests, learning preferences and styles, and differences related to
gender, culture and personality. It also might include information on
student learning strengths, needs and types of supports that have
been successful in the past.
For this practice Im going to talk about the prole most
important for me to work in class.
1. Inquirers, they develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the
skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show
independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this
love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
To work this prole we will do a research work by groups. The
students will have to talk to them and choose a theme that
everyone will like and have interest to do. The teacher say a
general theme that this case will be SPORTS and each group
of children will choose what they want to know about this sport
and nally each group will have to do a presentation in class
about their work.
2. Knowledgeable, they explore concepts, ideas and issues that
have local and global signicance. In so doing, they acquire indepth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad
and balanced range of disciplines.
To work this prole we will do an activity similar to the above
but in this case the teacher will give to the childrens news about
Spain that are not too difficult to work with. With this news, in
groups of students, they must nd information to learn more
about the news that they have had and nally each group will
have to do a presentation in class about their work.

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