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Brotherly love

Today Kareem you showed me how

you look after your sister
Raneem. You were on the other side of the
room when you heard her crying, I
watched as you left what you were doing
and ran to her side. You spoke to her so
gently asking her what had happened in
Arabic then comforted her with a big kiss
and a hug.
Kareem, teacher Huda told me that when
Raneem is upset you will always be there
for her and you get her favourite toys for
her to cuddle. You speak to her in Arabic
and when she responds to you it is
sometimes Arabic and sometimes English.
You have shown me Kareem that you are
confident in both Arabic and English.
Communication: Goal 2:
experience an environment where they
develop verbal communication skills for a
range of purposes.
Learning outcomes: Children develop
confidence that their first language is
Teacher Lynda
February 2016

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