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Abdullah it is great

to See You Pushing

the Boundaries.

Abdullah since I have been here at Au-Nur I have settled in after learning
all the new names and personalities. You have been a great help with me
settling in and it is fantastic to see you have a nice group of friends and
you all have a fine time exploring the inside and outside areas at the
centre. Abdullah you have an important role in helping to establish the
different role playing games that you play with your friends, such as:
Fighting the Dragons, The Supermarket Shop and Fire, Fire, Fire, to
name a few of the games.
Abdullah you are also very keen to take part in all of the extra activities
we have had over the last month, such as trips to the local park and to the
outside school Mountain Area. You are a very keen helper around the
centre and like the extra reasonability when given to you. I am looking
forward to seeing what creations you will make over the next month or so;
you are so good with the Lego and building blocks.

Abdullah we were outside this morning and you were keen to try your
hand at the balancing on the tyre Mountains, in the old schools area;
you were also very keen to help the children with their balancing, if they
were unsure. You were very carefully when you started out and used your
hands the first time you walked across. You made it Abdullah, well done
was very proud of the concentration and careful foot and hand work you
did to get across safely. You were so pleased with your efforts you turned
around and went back but with no hands this time. Ka Pai Abdullah.
Abdullah I am so pleased to see your willingness and ability to push the
boundaries outside your comfort zone. This indicates the comfort you
have in your place here at Au-Nur ECE centre and the trust you have in
your friends and teachers. I love to see you challenging yourself and
setting your own boundaries Abdullah, well done. I am going to have to

keep the activities fresh to keep you interested in pushing the boundaries,
I look forward in being a part of this learning journey with you Abdullah
Teacher: Nicki.

Date: March, 2016.

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