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Course Number:
CDV 380
CDV Student Name: Joanne Duford
Date Created:
January 31, 2016
Dates to Teach:
Feb. 15 - PM Center Time (Paint)
Feb., 17 AM Small Group (Finish)
Site Name:
LISD Tech Center
Age: 4/5 years old/Kindergarten Readiness
Lesson Documentation:
Lesson Title: Making Butterfeet
Group Configuration:
Small Group Domain/Content Area:


Lesson Purpose:
Lesson Goal: For each student to utilize paint, markers and crayons to create a butterfly from
their feet.
ELE: Creative Development 1. Early Learning Expectation: Children show how
the feel, what they think, and what they are learning through experiences in the visual arts.
[HSCOF-CD 5.2.1, 5.2.2]
4. Create representations that contain increasing detail.
Lesson Objective:
Given a model and with assistance, students will be able to create a
butterfly from their feet using paint, markers, and crayons.
Butterfly an insect that changes from a caterpillar
Caterpillar looks like a fuzzy worm with legs and an antennae
Antennae two long, thin things sticking out of the butterflies heads that helps them to
feel the world around them
If student is unwilling or unable, student to color butterfly
template with crayons or markers.
Student to create the life cycle of a butterfly for display.
Instructional Materials:
Implementation Materials:
Tote with warm sudsy water
Clean wash clothes
Dry towels
Drying rack for painted pictures
Drop cloth
Teacher Materials:
Shallow cookie bans
Butterfly template for each student
Water based paints in various colors
Sample of various stages of completed butterfeet
Student Materials:
Clean/dry feet

Technology needed: Specialized headphones for specific children

Lesson Procedure:
DAY 1:
Transition into the Lesson: After afternoon meeting, students will be assigned a center to start
in based on their pre-assigned groups.
Anticipatory Set:
Good afternoon boys and girls. What can you tell me about butterflies?
[Questioning, Silence, Paraphrase Reflection] Butterflies are insects that start off as
caterpillars. Show the students a copy of the completed butterfeet. Say, We are not
caterpillars, so we cannot change into butterflies, but we can make butterflies! This afternoon,
we are going to make the wings of the butterflies out of paint. We will finish the butterflies on
Wednesday morning. The first thing we need to do is to get ready to make our butterflies. The
way we do that is to take off our shoes and socks. Take off your shoes and socks, then assist
students in removing their shoes and socks (rolling up pant legs when necessary so that paint
does not get onto clothing). [Do-It Statements, Modeling]
Steps of Lesson:
Now you have five seconds to get into a single file line. Count down
from five. Assist students as necessary. [Do-It Signal] Because this is new, I am going to help
you in completing your wings, but we need to do this one at a time. You will get to pick the
color for your butterfly. We have four colors to choose from today. Think about your color
choice while you are waiting for assistance. [Tell, Explain, Inform, and Do-It Statements]
Allow student to pick color for wings, have student sick one foot into pan with paint, that foot is
firmly pressed to the paper. Repeat with second foot. [Guided Practice] Hand student a towel
and instruct student to step into warm sudsy water to clean off excess paint. [Tell, explain,
Inform] Put completed wings onto drying rack. Repeat steps until all students have wings
completed. Assist students in cleaning feet, drying feet, and redressing.

You made some colorful butterfly wings. I cant wait to see them completed.

Transition out of Lesson:

Once time has completed, students to line up on the green line to
go to the next center. Welcome students from the blue line into your station and start again.
After all students have completed the rotation, students to plan how they are going to spend
choice time prior to leaving the area.
DAY 2:
Transition into the Lesson: After morning meeting, students will go to various color tables
based on pre-assigned groups.
Anticipatory Set:
Who can remind me what we did on Monday during center time? Allow
two to three students to answer. Thats right, we created butterfly wings. [Questions, Silence,
Paraphrase Reflection] Last time, we talked about how caterpillars turn into butterflies. Today
we are going to talk about the butterflies. What can you tell me about butterflies? Allow two to
three students to answer. Then say, Butterflies explore the world around them through touch.
They have two long, thin things sticking out of their heads that helps them to feel the world
around them called antennae. We created the wings last time, well today, we are going to finish

the butterflies by coloring their bodies, heads, and antennae. [Questions, Silence, Paraphrase
Reflection, Tell, Explain, and Inform]
Steps of Lesson:
Pass out the dry butterfly wings to each student. Have crayons and
markers available in the center of the table. Using the samples of various stages of completed
butterfeet, help guide students to completing own butterflies. [Guided Practice, Modeling]
Once butterfly is colored, have students cut out around the wings and then write name on back.
Wow, look at all of these colorful butterflies! In April, our class is going to be
talking more about insects. Maybe our butterflies will be flying around the classroom in April.
Well have to wait and see.
Transition out of Lesson:
Each table group to complete Butterfeet project. After all students have completed the
rotation, students to plan how they are going to spend choice time prior to leaving the area.
Assessment: Checklist
See attached chart
Resource Listing:
This lesson plan revised from one created by me in CDV 355 on 10/9/2013. The idea of
Butterfeet came from Multicultural Teaching by Tiedt (located in Chapter 8).
Site Supervisors Signature:____________________________________________
Date Signed: ____________________


More than
one color


2 Antennae

Added to



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