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14235 Rosemary ST.

The millers
14235 Rosemary ST.
The millers
Dear the millers,
Congratulations your family has won the one week vacation to
Disneyland and you will have a free SVU car. The SVU will come pick you up at your
home to take you to the metro airport. When you get to the airport your tickets will
be already ready. When youre about to go in the plane you will have a first class
flight to Los Angles, California and when your plane has landed there will be a SVU
parked outside of the SVU driver will be taking to your hotel inside of the park and
in the hotel you have two bedroom sites. The first room is a dining area and a living
room with a kitchen and the second bedroom suite is the sleeping area in the room
the parents have a queen size bed and the kids have a wooden bunk bed. Inside of
the hotel will be dining area to eat at and its a caf. Inside the hotel there is a pool
and thats where the children can go in play at. Then the next day you and your
family will be able to go the Disneyland Amusement park and have fun.

Sincerely, Kourtni Gavin, Jalen Akeem, and Tyler pasha from the DIAMOND

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