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Classroom Management Plan

In a 7th and 8th grade dance class, I expect about 30-35 students to be
enrolled. The gender breakdown for dance classes is about half female and
half male. It appears that the majority of students are general-education
students, with the exception of 3rd period, were 2-5 special-education
students are present.
The classes seem respectful and understanding of teacher and peer needs.
On occasion, students seem to have outbreaks of talking and off-task
behavior. Since the school employs an arts-rotation, so all students must
take dance, the specific learning needs of each class varies widely.
I plan on utilizing a very structured class schedule. Students will come in, go
to assigned roll call block, and start the journal for the day. I plan on this
structure setting the tone for the day. Having this structured start to the
class can help students by setting clear expectations.
If an issue occurs as a class, such as incessant talking or not following given
directions, I plan on immediately calling attention to the problem and asking
for it to be fixed. If this is ineffective, students will be asked to stop what
they are doing and as a class, and we will walk through the appropriate
behavior. Finally, if the previous two supports dont work, students will be
asked to stop, will silently write why their behavior is inappropriate, and will
loose participation points for the day.

If an issue occurs with an individual, I will first pull that individual aside to get
a better picture of what is possibly causing the behavior, and what the
student and I can do as a team, to improve behavior. If individual behavior
problems persist, first a call home will be made and as a last resort, an office
referral will be made.

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