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BES86510: Behavior Management Of The

Children With Special Needs


Describe The Procedure Of Behavior

Management With Example In The Context

Of Regular Classroom.

Behavior management is about guiding child's behavior that

she/he learns the appropriate way to behave. It is a less intensive
version of behavior therapy. B.F. Skinner and Carl Rogers have
given two distinctly different approaches for addressing the
behavior. Skinner's approach says that anyone can manipulate
behavior by first identifying what the individual finds rewarding.
Rogers proposes that in order to effectively address behavior
problems, an individual must be persuaded to want to behave
appropriately. Rogers believes that the individual must have an
internal awareness of right and wrong.

Behavior management is a whole school approach. It includes

creating a positive environment for learning and uses strategies
that encourage positive behavior in schools and in life.
Common examples in a classroom that are seen usually in a
regular classroom can be

o Bullying
o Differentiating between genders and privileged and non-
privileged students
o Untidy classroom
o Grouping
o Aggressiveness
o Inappropriate language
o Inattentiveness
o Disregard for deadlines
o Distraction or creating distraction etc.

Some procedures of behavior management in a regular

classroom are given below:

Developing Classroom Behavior Rules- When students

are involved in the development of the rules, they are more
likely to adhere to them and understand why they have been
put into place. The first week of a new school year is an
effective time to develop and teach the rules. The classroom
rules should also be shared with parents at the start of the
year and reviewed frequently throughout the year. Students
should be given a list of rules to follow of how they can’t do
certain stuffs in class and a list of rewards and punishments
if they do not follow them.
Teaching Classroom Rules- Creating the rules is only the
beginning. The rules should be taught to the students and
posted in the classroom in both print and visual formats. The
rules should be explained using clear, concise language. As
well, they should be explained through the use of specific
examples and role-playing.
Explain- The teacher must explain the rules and the reasons
for its use. For example, telling them why is it important to
maintain silence in class, why anyone must not bully, how
maintaining the right time going to help them in life, everyone
deserves the same etc.
Perform Independently- Teacher must look after every
student to check if he/she is behaving well and reward
him/her for good behavior at school or class.
Teaching Social Stories- Social stories present appropriate
social behaviors in the form of a story. The stories are
designed to include the answers to questions about acting
appropriately in social situations (usually who, what, when,
where, and why). Some social stories include visuals to help
students understand the social situations. This would help
them relate the rules with real life and understand each other
to behave in a proper way.
Communication- There must be a friendly teacher student
relation in class. This can help teacher understand the
problem behind the inappropriate behavior of a student, what
their mental health condition is, how the rules are affecting or
effecting them, how they are practicing the rules, what
problems are they facing inside or outside the class, the
advantages or disadvantages of certain rules etc. Also
teachers should maintain home-school communication. This
can prevent misunderstandings and create good learning
environment for students.
Seating Arrangements And Task Distribution- Seating
arrangements and task distribution can make and modify
peer relations.
Discipline and mannerism- Apart from all the problem
solving, students should also learn
o Say nice things or nothing
o Be fair and share
o Staying in seat
o Look at the teacher during instructions
o Consider others’ feelings
o Talking only when it is fine
o Be a good listener
o Think of ways everybody can feel good in the end
o Following directions first time
o Have safe hands and feet
o Stay friends
o Ask teacher’s permission first
o Maintain hygiene

Appropriate behavior at class can help a student being

appropriate in future. So every student should be taught good
behavior and appreciated for practicing further.

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