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Assignment 4

Name: Felicia Basitsana

Surname: Kgopane
Date: 11 May 2023

TEFL classes encountered classroom problems that normal schools encounter. Three common
problems TEFL teacher face will be mentioned and discussed . Solutions will be provided for
each problem that TEFL teachers encounter and this solutions will be discussed in depth.

1. Students are bored, inattentive and unmotivated

It is not uncommon for students to experience feelings of ennui when it comes to learning
English due to the fact that it is typically not their native language. Inadequate clarity in the
instructions provided by an educator of a vernacular that surpasses the comprehension level of
learners prompt an immediate sense of disinterest among them.
1.1. Solution
The teacher needs to use clear instructions by using gestures, body language, and short and
simple sentences. Speak loudly and make sure their words are easy to understand. It is very
important to show samples and examples of the activity. The teacher can use pictures, miming,
and hand movements to show the students how to do things visually.
Teachers should plan their lessons well so that students do not feel bored during class. The
teacher needs to pick an exciting topic that most students will like and can relate to. This will
make students excited and eager to engage with what is being taught. Furthermore, the teacher
can find out what the students need and what they like. When teachers figure out what their
students need and make the course fit those needs, learning will then be enjoyable.
Doing physical activities can help students focus and participate. When we teach students about
body parts, we should make a song that they will sing again and again. This will help them
remember better, like the song "Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes". This will
make it easier for students to remember body parts with the help of a song.
2. One student in particular dominates the lesson.
This kind of student are those students who always rise their hands or shout out answers.
They do not give other students an opportunity to participate in class. They always want to
be the ones giving out answers.

2.1. Solution
Do not call out the dominate student in front of the class. Encourage students to be enthusiastic
and guide their behaviour in the right direction. Kindly tell the enthusiastic student that you know
they know the answer and suggest that others have a turn too. Ask the strong student to help
others in class by showing them how to do things or helping them when they are stuck. In class,
it is good to work in groups. This helps the strong students become leaders and help others who
are having a hard time.
Get the best students to work together so they can challenge each other and not make the other
students feel left out. Sometimes, students feel scared or nervous when they are working with
dominate students.
It is vital to have rules in class that ensure every student can speak and be respected. This can
help some students feel more comfortable participating without the fear of getting bullied or
humiliated by other students who are dominate in the class. Make sure students know that the
classroom is a safe place to learn and it is okay to make mistakes.
Give compliments to the student who always participates and does well in class. They may be
seeking approval and attention or feel unsure of themselves. When students do something good
or bad, tell them they did well or offer guidance on how to improve. This helps them feel
confident and valued.
3. Students arrive late or disrupt the class.
Students arrive late and disrupt the class because all the attention will be on the late
Comer. Other students just make funny jokes during the lesson.

3.1. Solution
Setting classroom rules from the start. Before the class starts kindly ask students to switch
off their cell phones and other technological devices at the start of class to avoid disruptions.
Do not pay attention to students who come late to class. Asking them why they were late will
interrupt the lesson. The attention will be the late comers and not on the subject being
discussed. Instead of telling the students who come late to go home, the teacher will talk to
them and find out why they were late on that day. Sometimes, students might have trouble
getting to school or have something urgent happen in their family.
If a student is late for the first time, tell them about it. If a student is late for the first time, just
remind them not to be late next time instead of punishing them. Tell the student that they are
only being let go because they are late for the first time.
Firstly, complete important work early in the class. Test students at the beginning of class
and use the results to determine their grades for the year. This will encourage students who
are often late for class to come on time, so they do not risk failing because of their lateness.
Keep record when students are late. Keep record of lateness and tell them that if they are
late three times in a week, it will count as absent for one day. Remember and acknowledge
students who are punctual and give them appropriate rewards. Giving rewards for being on
time can motivate students to arrive to class on time.
To sum up, it is in the educator's power to manage the students and ensure that all students
are treated fairly, but there is no perfect classroom. I have addressed three typical
challenges encountered by TEFL teachers and proposed possible solutions for these

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