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Y: There’s nothing more satisfying than watching wet paint dry. Dajia hao, this is Chinese
Studio, and wo shi Y. What do you think R?
B: Just as well the weekend has arrived, otherwise we wouldn’t have the time. But let’s not
waste any, here’s a review of what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week

The walls need sanding. 墙需要打磨一下。I’d like a bucket of blue paint. 我要一桶蓝色的油漆。
It’s time to paint the ceiling. 该刷天花板了。It needs a second coat of paint.再刷一层油漆。All in
today’s Chinese Studio

B: Let’s review the whole process in case we need to redecorate the kitchen.
Y: Why not. First of all, the walls need sanding…墙需要打磨一下。
B: qiang2 xu1 yao4 da3 mo2 yi2 xia4.
Y: qiang2 means walls in Chinese,
B: qiang2,
Y: xu1 yao4 means need,
B: xu1 yao4,
Y: da3 mo2 means to sand, to polish,
B: da3 mo2,
Y: yi2 xia4 are used after a verb, indicating an act or an attempt,
B: yi2 xia4,
Y: qiang2 xu1 yao4 da3 mo2 yi2 xia4.
B: qiang2 xu1 yao4 da3 mo2 yi2 xia4. the walls need sanding,

Conversation 1
A: 墙需要打磨一下。
B: 好吧,我来帮你。

B: I will paint the kitchen blue. So I need to buy a bucket of blue paint.
Y: Let’s review how to say that again in Chinese: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
B: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: yao4 means want to buy something,
B: yao4,
Y: yi4 tong3, one bucket of something, as yi1 means one, and tong3 is the measure word for

  Coryright 2007 
paint, which means bucket,
B: yi4 tong3,
Y: lan2 se4 means the color of blue,
B: lan2 se4,
Y: you2 qi1 is the paint,
B: you2 qi1,
Y: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
B: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1. I’d like a bucket of blue paint.

Conversation 2
A: 您要买什么?
B: 我要一桶蓝色的油漆。

B: Hey Y, it’s time to paint the ceiling.

Y: Hao de, here we go, 该刷天花板了. It’s time to paint the ceiling.
B: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le.
Y: gai1 means ought to or should do sth,
B: gai1,
Y: shua1, to paint,
B: shua1,
Y: tian1 hua1 ban3, the ceiling,
B: tian1 hua1 ban3,
Y: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le.
B: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le. It’s time to paint the ceiling.

Conversation 3
A: 下一步该干什么?
B: 该刷天花板了。

B: This painting business is quite fun, our kitchen’s looking great. You feeling famished Y?
Y: Let’s eat out today, while the paint’s setting. And before we go, here’s an easy weekend
question to nibble on. Remind us, how do you say “ I’d like a bucket of blue paint.” in Chinese.

  Coryright 2007 

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