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Pets III

Y: Keeping pets of course cost a lot of time and energy, but I think it’s totally worth it.
Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo shi Yajie,
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. And I’ve got a few more questions Y, if that’s all right.
Y: Dangran, of course it is. Let’s get started.

Key words of the day

I need to buy some kitty litter. 该买猫沙了。 Goldfish 金鱼
The water needs changing 该换水了。Parrots鹦鹉 I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。
mechanical repetition 鹦鹉学舌 All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Now I know you love cats Y, and they’re such clean animals…
Y: Yes they are. And I need to buy some kitty litter because it ran out.
B: How do you say that in Chinese?
Y: Oh you can say: 该买猫沙了。
B: gai1 mai3 mao1 sha1 le.
Y: gai1 means should do something.
B: gai1.
Y: mai3 means to buy,
B: mai3,
Y: mao1 sha1 means kitty litter,
B: mao1 sha1,
Y: gai1 mai3 mao1 sha1 le.
B: gai1 mai3 mao1 sha1 le. I need to buy some kitty litter.

A: 该买猫沙了。
B: 是啊,一包很快就用完了。

B: I’ve also got some goldfish. What do we call them Y?

Y: it’s jin1 yu2.
B: jin1 yu2,
Y: jin1 means gold or the color of gold,
B: jin1
Y: yu2 means fish,
B: yu2,
Y: jin1 yu2,

  Coryright 2007 
B: jin1 yu2, goldfish. I think the water needs changing. Bang bang wo, help me to say that in
Y: 没问题. You can say 该换水了。
B: gai1 huan4 shui3 le.
Y: gai1 means should do sth,
B: gai1,
Y: huan4 means change,
B: huan4,
Y: shui3 means water,
B: shui3,
Y: gai1 huan4 shui3 le
B: gai1 huan4 shui3 le The water needs changing.

Conversation 2
B: 金鱼是不错。但是你该换水了。

B: Do you have any other pets Y?

Y: Yes, I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。
B: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3,
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: hai2 you3 means also have,
B: hai2 you3,
Y: zhi1 is the measure word for parrot, and yi4 zhi1 means one,
B: yi4 zhi1,
Y: parrot in Chinese is ying1 wu3,
B: ying1 wu3
Y: So I’ve also got a parrot in Chinese is: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3.
B: wo2 hai2 you3 yi4 zhi1 ying1 wu3,

Conversation 3
A: 你还养了什么宠物?
B: 我还有一只鹦鹉。

Y: Actually there’s an interesting Chinese expression, it’s to do with the pet--- parrot.
B: Tell me then…
Y: It’s 鹦鹉学舌 yīngwǔ xuéshé,
B: yīng wǔ xué shé,
Y: It literally means “parrot learn-tongue”, and it refers to mechanical repetition of what
someone else says.
B: I see… like what we’re doing now?

  Coryright 2007 
Y: haha… Repetition is necessary while learning a new language… okay let’s get back to
business. Yīngwǔ parrot,
B: yīngwǔ
Y: xue2 means to learn,
B: xue2,
Y: she2 means tongue,
B: she2,
Y: yīng wǔ xué shé , mechanical repetition of what someone else says,
B: yīng wǔ xué shé,

Conversation 4
A: 我不能老是鹦鹉学舌!
B: 没关系。学习一门新的语言就是需要不断重复练习。

Key words reminder

I need to buy some kitty litter. 该买猫沙了。 Goldfish 金鱼
The water needs changing 该换水了。Parrots鹦鹉 I’ve also got a parrot. 我还有一只鹦鹉。
mechanical repetition 鹦鹉学舌 All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: It’s definitely time to walk my puppy Fido.

Y. Ok, but before we go, question time. How do you say, “The water needs changing” in

  Coryright 2007 

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